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Valley of Terror

"No one ventures into the Valley of Terror... That's where Terry sleeps! You may have heard him cranky before, but we've barely made it back safely when a hungery Tarrasque is hot on your heels!"


The vally of terror is desolate of all life, due to the Tarrasque


"Terry" The Tarrasque has made his home in this area, and due to the ravenous nature of the beast, the life inside the valley, though it quickly replenishes, is consumed within a week by the wandering beast.

Ecosystem Cycles

The forest tries to overake the valley once a month, but due to the eating habbits of the Tarraque, it keeps the enchroaching treeline at a stable boundry.

Localized Phenomena

Surveys into the valley during "Terry's" rest period, shows a massive dragon skeleton about a hundred miles from snoute to tail. It's unkown if this is some proto-dragon or the end growth of a dragon who got trapped here, and eventually died of old age... something that's rarely documented.

Fauna & Flora

Absolutely nothing grows here after Terry wakes up, by the time folliagae reaches the valley, Terry is on the moves and eating.

Natural Resources

This is a hotspot of minirals and salt, also easy pickings from people who met with Terry. It's speculated that Tarrasque droppings are filled with undigested material it has consumed, possibly magic items and artifacts, though, we've not found any halfling brave enough to search...


There is not much known about this valley, very few expeditions have been taken there. Once we have better control of the realm and the flora and fauna, it's speculated to set up an outpost to monitor Terry more closely.


Alternative Name(s)
Terry Valley, Valley of Doom, Why would you go there?!!
Location under
Related Myths

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