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Scroll Maker

"Most newly Displaced tent to scoff at the scroll makers. It seems like a thanless job, with the blistered fingers from hammering reeds and grasses, but scrolls are a vital commodity for the survival of Terris Burg."J



Anyone who wishes to learn the art will be more than welcome to be trained and will be provided supplies to do the tasks.

Career Progression

Scrolls are made from various materials, as it must hold the arcane or divine powers of the author and not destaballize and turn to ash.

Payment & Reimbursement

Scroll Making is an option profession to persue if a new member of Terris Burg has not found a trade to devote too.

There is always need for more scrolls.

Other Benefits

Like all jobs in Terris Burg, the benifit of working as a scroll maker, is the fact that you are able to keep your home and participate in communal activities.

Like all professions, it's not a forced choice, but... if you've not decided... the choice will be made for you.



Due to the magical situation Terris Burg has, Spell scrolls are a vial resource of keeping and transferring spells to one another.

Often times a wizard is displaced without his spellbook, and must scribe all the spells he has memorized at the time into a new spellbook, else he will never be able to cast it again.

Social Status

[aloud]Most heavy laborers feel the Scroll Makers are choosing an easy profession, and that anyone can make paper.

Sometimes when a position opens up, it's quickly filled and the waiting list can be centuries to become a member.

Most magicians despise them, since they ahve to rely on them to provide magical supplies, it's against the codes of conduct to craft an itme you're not licensed to craft.


The more weak and frail are often the ones who apply for this job.

Most of the job was weaving papayrus, or weaving cloth parchment sheets that the younger members will venture out into the world to collect.


"The fear is real, when a wizard realizes that years of hard work, effort, and devotion are now gone, and the only thread of your latent and powerful personal of spells are the ones you had memorized before you were transported.



Various plant material like grasses and reeds. Other more sturdy scrolls are made from Vellum and cloth, while Paper is being experemented on.


The scroll workshop is located inside Library of Mena'tu. There is a special section inside the library that grows the reeds and other various materials securley. These materials will be provided to the scroll maker.

New members will be assigned to the press, or harvesting fresh plant materials.

Provided Services

The service they provide is invaluable.

Should a cleric have enough faith left over at the end of the day to cast one more mirical, that cleric can scribe the mirical onto a page to be used for later, while she prays for different spells.

A mage can spend weeks stocking up on 20 to 50 fireball scrolls in a bag of holding.
Alternative Names
Scroller, Paper Person,
Very High
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