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Halfling Work Ponies

"The humble pony... the liveblood of the community...

It was serendipitus when The Ponymaster was Displaced while leading his two studs and three mares back to his barn.

From his expertiese of animal husbandry, the The Ponymaster was able to breed a large heard that supplies the Halfling scouts mounts while they explore the forest."

Basic Information


The Halfling Pony was bred to be a workhorse. It's stronger shoulders and wider waste gives them the ability to pull farm equipment, wear armor, and ride into battle.

The The Ponymaster selectivly breeds for durabilty and power, so compaired to a standard pony, the Halfling Workhorse is faster and stronger.

Genetics and Reproduction

The gestation rate of the Halfling Work Pony is around 200 days. They often birth one pony.

Growth Rate & Stages

Foal: Birth to 3 months - This pony is still nursing and will follow it's mother around

Weanling: 3 to 6 months - This pony is no longer nursing and is starting to be trained for tasks.

Yearling: 1 Year - They are able to work and be assigned to someone.

Adolescent: 2-3 Years - When a pony reaches adolecent stage, The Ponymaster will start selecting Mare and Foal breeding pares from the herd.

Adult: 4-Early Teens - Selected ponies will be put to pasture to breed the next generation.

Senior: Late Teens: Early Twenties - Due to the nature of Ard'Vanwa, none of the ponies have become seniors.

Ecology and Habitats

The Terris Burg Pony is kept in a secured farmland, under guard, and is taken care of by The Ponymaster.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Due to the Terris Blight, the ponies must eat feed that had Purify Food and Water cast on it.

Terris Burg City Council has assigned 3 Cleric to the stables, in order to ensure the feed is treated.

Biological Cycle

The Halfling Work Ponies are a hearty breed, and can handle all seasons.

There are no real seasons in Ard'Vanwa, so the ponies don't need to adapt to any extreme changes.

Additional Information


The The Ponymaster has peronally grew the current heard from the original ponies that were displaced with him.

Any other horses and ponies that are found in the woods while Checking the Nets are turned over to him for domestication and breeding.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Halfling Work Pony is the liveblood of Terris Burg.
  • The Halfling scouts use the ponies to quickly navigate Terry's Web,
  • The halflings use them to plow the fields and grow the crops that feeds the city.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Halfling Workhorse is only found in Terris Burg

Average Intelligence

The Halfling Work Ponies are highly intelegent for ponies. They have peronsalities and can become attached to their owners.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Halfing Pony has sharp eyesight, keen smell, acute hearing, and often can sense danger before the halflings can. This can often be an early warning system in forest excursions, since the ponies seem to know before the scouts of an attack.

Experianced scouts will learn the mannersims of their pony, and trust their lives to this danger sense.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Equus Caballus
20 Years
Conservation Status
The City Council will exile anyone who harms or tries to eat a pony.
Average Height
Around 59 inches.
Average Weight
Between 200 pounds and upwards of 1,400 pounds.
Average Physique
The average Work Pony is far sturdier than most.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
There are various coat paterns to choose from.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities
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