Rassalian Blademaster
- Must be a law abiding citizen
- Must have served in The Elite Rassalian Guard for at least 5 years
- Must be able to demonstrate all forms within The Book of Blades
- Must be fit and agile enough to teach new recruits
- Requires three recommendations from respectable guards, nobles or military figures
Appointed by the King upon reccomendations from generals.
Training of the Elite Rassalian Guard, and can be called upon for royal guard duties. Must maintain their own personal armoury (but the guards armoury is maintained by the new guards).
The entire guard's performance lies on the shoulders of the blademaster. If the guards are not fighting up to standard or are flagging in fitness and physique, the blademaster will be disciplined.
Regular fencing tournaments such as The Swordmaster's Fair are a great test of performance and the Elite Rassalian Guard get incredibly competitive during this event.
The blademaster is a well paid position and grants private quarters and a personal armoury of exquisite blades.
Accoutrements & Equipment
An entire armoury of swords, bucklers and polearms both sharp and blunt for training, armour for every occasion, and a very large bookcase full to the brim with copies of The Book of Blades.
Grounds for Removal/Dismissal
The blademaster may retire after a minimum of 5 years of service and can only keep the title for a maximum of 10 years.
After a blademaster retires, a new elite guard will rise to take their place and teach the new recruits.
Civic, Military, Commissioned
Equates to
Armsmaster, Master of Arms
Length of Term
Minimum 5 years service - Maximum 10 years service
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