Harding Distillery
Manufacturers of the renowned conversation-starting drink, William Liquor.
Harding Distillery is the oldest manufacturer of alcohol in The Isles of Orlend and is renowned for its famous whiskey and liquors. Thanks to the open rifts, their beverages are enjoyed across numerous realms far and wide.
Founded on the dockside in the city of Bradstowe in 408 2A, the warehouse has expanded over the years to acommodate for the growing demand for traditionally crafted Harding's Gold whiskey and wildly popular William Liquor.
The distillery was founded over 150 years ago by a faun fellow by the name of William Harding. Its prime dockside location has been a key to the success of the business, making Harding a well known name not only in Orlend, but several other countries in the mainlands of the Arklendian continent. The Rupture saw the closure of the distillery in 514 2A, but seven years later it was revitalised by Milli Bonewell, who reopened its doors with the help of funding from the Spunkhearts (a local guild growing in fame and popularity within the city). Bonewell had a good head for business and she saw a big opportunity in the market to "lift some spirits by brewing some spirits". She set out with the goal of inventing a heartwearming drink that would bring a smile to the cheeks of everyone around.
Corporation, Business
Manufactured Items