Beluvian Jackrabbit

A semiaquatic hare that is the national symbol of Belu, Anvil.

The Beluvian jackrabbit is a bizarrely unique species of hare native to the coastal regions of Belu, Anvil. Unlike other hares or rabbits in its order, Beluvian jackrabbits are semiaquatic and can be found swimming and foraging around rockpools for their omnivorous diet of seaweed, mussels, and even crabs.   Due to their extensive population on the peninsula, jackrabbits have become a national symbol of Belu and their image appears in many motifs throughout the country.
Tourists love to buy small trinkets of them such as floating rubber toys, or the more traditional jackrabbit souvenirs with wooden cooking spoons for ears and bodies made of intricately twined rope (a symbol of Belu's major industry).    


Beluvian jackrabbits are swift runners on land and expert swimmers and divers.
They have a transparent third eyelid that protects their eyes when swimming, and their back feet have webbing that helps with propulsion under water.   They continually groom their sleek fur by rubbing oil-secreting glands near their cheeks (which many folks find unbearably adorable to watch) and they use their forepaws to rub the oil all over their face and ears before brushing it along the rest of their fur to waterproof it and keep it soft and clean.   Beluvian jackrabbits live in simple dens dug into the sand banks and cliffs slopes and do not usually live in large groups.
Adults have their own territories which are scent marked near their den entrance, regular trails, and favourite scavenging spots.   They are omnivorous and use their strong incisors to pry mussels and limpets off of the rocks. They keep the ecosystem balanced by gnawing upon easy pickings of invasive sea urchins.


Beluvian jackrabbits are skittish in nature, unless it's spring time. During mating season, both sexes become highly competitive and can be seen "boxing" other rivals to fight for dominance and the right to breed, using their paws to strike at the other's face and ears.   This behaviour (along with their reputation for frenzied reproduction) has given rise to several Beluvian idioms such has "daft as a Dawnturn hare" and "at it like Beluvian jackrabbits".   Females typically rear three or four litters per year, each resulting in two to four babies. The young jackrabbits (called leverets) are born fully furred and with eyes open, and are able to fend for themselves soon after birth.

Natural Predators

Aside from the local folk that hunt them, Beluvian jackrabbits are preyed upon by the mountain hawks and wildcats of the highland regions of the peninsula.   They use their speed and agility to outrun most threats, but it's their semiaquatic nature that lets the jackrabbits thrive as they can make secret tunnels accessible only via water to their dens.
Panther Devouring a Rabbit by Antoine-Louis Barye (1850)

Culinary Delights

Beluvian jackrabbits have not been domesticated and are hunted for their meat.
This is one of the most staple food sources in the peninsula and features in the majority of traditional Beluvian dishes such as "rabbit roasts", warming stews, curried kebabs, and spicy wraps, many of which are often served with unusual accompaniments like seaweed or mussels, which typically associated with other coastal cuisines in Anvil.   Nothing goes to waste on the hare - the offcuts and offal go into minced meat for sausages or are used in pâtés, and the blood is used for making rich savoury stocks and gravies.
Dead Hare, Suspended by Pieter Boel / Wenceslaus Hollar (1649)
Geographic Distribution
80 km/h (50 mph) over short distances
55 km/h (35 mph) over longer distances
Swim Speed
8 km/h (5 mph)
Jump Distance
3 m (10 ft)
An ancient Beluvian plate with the motif of a mountain hawk catching a young jackrabbit.


The jackrabbit is the national symbol of Belu, and motifs of the animal can be seen depicted in many apsects of Beluvian culture such as art, fabrics, folk tales and currency.    
How to cook a traditional Beluvian roast
Rigour's notes on fine dining
  The best time to cook a Beluvian jackrabbit roast is between the end of spring and the first half of summer, when their meat has been made naturally more aromatic by the inclusion of herbs and sea berries in their diet.   Some people are stopped at the start of this culinary journey thinking that they don't have the knowledge to choose or acquire the perfect jackrabbit, the obvious choice being that of a young meaty specimen. But don't be afraid! Even tougher, older rabbits can be deliciously enjoyed with the following tips.   The first step I suggest is to tenderize your rabbit. Some old school texts reccommend using a Beluvian wooden spoon to beat the rabbit meat, but the author finds that this method can be a little too hard for some specimens and can damage them if the cook is not experienced, so I prefer instead to massage their rabbits at length with plenty of herb infused oils. I assure you that with enough skills and patience even the toughest of bunnies will be softened with this treatment.   Once satisfied about the pliability of your rabbit, you can start the stuffing process, using whatever ingredients are to your taste. Most old texts give only the options of a sausage stuffing, but the author finds that a variety of ingredients complement well the rackrabbit, including completely meat free options. The suggestion is to experiment with the combination that best satisfies your personal taste. There is more than just one way to enjoy a jackrabbit!   After this treatment it's finally time to tie up the rabbit to make sure it doesn't come undone before it's ready. Make use of plenty of twine and wrap it up tightly. If you tie it neatly, you will even have some handy pattern to guide the portioning later.   And once you are satisfied, it's finally time to cook it! Make sure to let it cook on a slow fire, so that you can get the largest amount of juices out of it and keep your rabbit roast moist and tender.   I highly reccommend trying to cook your own jackrabbit and enjoy a delicious and satisfying meal made your own way!


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Jul 6, 2022 09:41 by Simo

Can someone, ipothetically speaking, use a Beluvian wooden spoon to tenderize a jackrabbit?

Jul 6, 2022 11:04 by TJ Trewin

Hypothetically and practically yes they could! Beluvians would in fact argue that spoons are less damaging to the meat in comparison to the usual mallets and hammers used in other regions of Anvli to tenderise the meat.

Journals of Yesteryear

Jul 6, 2022 11:17 by TJ Trewin

or Anvil* even! (curse my typos!)

Journals of Yesteryear

Jul 6, 2022 11:22 by Simo

They have a fair point, there.

Aug 26, 2022 18:08 by Tim de Roos

Hey TJ, I've included this great article in my reading challenge for this year's summer camp. I loved how you made a rabbit so culturally significant! The use of depictions of an animal in art and objects made in a specific region has never occurred to me in my own worldbuilding but is so lovely and smart! The detail you go into in terms of the cooking of the rabbit brings a thought back into my brain of creating and writing recipes from my world that can be cooked in real life... (like my Javeszian Sticky Lemon Bars :P) Perhaps I can create more some day! Thanks for the inspiration and keep up the good work :)

Aug 28, 2022 17:14 by TJ Trewin

Thanks so much! :D

Journals of Yesteryear

Aug 28, 2022 15:28 by JRR Jara

omg the recipe!

Creator of Hanzelot and many more.
Aug 28, 2022 17:14 by TJ Trewin


Journals of Yesteryear

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