Beggar Bones

Beggar Bones by TJ Trewin
  The Anam, or more famously known as Beggar Bones, is a beast of folklore attributed to the cause of mental ailments in elderly folk.   Anam are said to feast upon the memories of the frail, leaving them confused, angered and deranged. This creature has never been witnessed, but many illustrated documents of the beast show a gaunt, skeletal face with a harrowing expression that is often depicted with an outstretched hand as if begging for food.   Upon reaching your sixtieth birthday it is not uncommon to recieve gifts of necklaces, charms or bracelets made of bone so that the Aram might be distracted by them and not devour your mind.   The legend of Beggar Bones hails from the region of Tentotta. Locals believe that the Anam roam the vast Tentottan Desert and become ravenously hungry by the time they reach the Upper Peninsula and Larthteras Mountains, which are home to many large settlements such as Steppet and The Brass Bowl.  

Beggar Bones

Beggar Bones,
Beggar Bones,
Ne'er seen when he does roam,
Follows the old unto their homes,
And waits until they're on their own.
  Beggar Bones,
Beggar Bones,
Tricks them with his pheromones,
Then feasts upon all that they know,
Leaving only a husk that moans.
  Beggar Bones,
Beggar Bones,
Sent my nan to the unknown,
A witty woman, now old crone,
Wastes away to 'nother tombstone.
~ Verse of a Tentottan children's legend
Geographic Location | Nov 20, 2022

Tentotta is a hot, dry region home to The Great Tentottan Desert.

Cover image: by TJ Trewin
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