Rotten scales Condition in Iphars | World Anvil

Rotten scales

Rotten scales is a condition that affect Asheks, specially kids. It is not mortal but leaves the infected more prone to skin infections and this can lead to death. It an infection caused by wounds not properly cleaned, and, as its name says, it makes scales rot and shortly after, fall.


Rotten scales is caused by a bacteria obtained when a wound gets infected and not treated properly.


To prevent this illness, one just needs to clean wounds so they do not infect.


  • Inflamation where the wound is located (hematoma).
  • Scales lose coloration and became soft (different than what happens before shedding).
  • Skin turns slightly yellow (white if skin is yellow).
  • Scales rot, making the infection even worse.
  • Patches of scales will fall off.


While easy to prevent, there is not a treatment to this illness and the only thing left to do to the infected is to be extra careful with other illness as even the most inoffensive one can be dangerous because the immunitary system is focused on the Rotten Scales.

not related
but cute


The illness starts with a cut that gets infected and shows an inflamation typical of an hematoma, even if there was not a hit and was a cut. The hematoma colour shortly passes to be the sick yellowish (or white) tone of the Asheks skin. After some days, the scales near the wound will start to rot and the sick tone will spread and start rotting nearby scales. The rotten scale with fall off naturally with a patch of nearby scales in an attempt to get rid of the illness, but this will only make the new scales to start to rot and repeat the process.
The whole process will always repeat and once it has started there is no treatment. This cannot kill the infected, but it will leave them prone to other infections that might kill them.

Unethical solution...

Many times has been thought and sometimes have been done, but one way to get rid of all the problems that may come with one individual having Rotten scales is to kill the individual and burn their body.


First cases of Rotten Scales are almost as old as the Asheks. Both have co-lived since a start and thus, Asheks know what to do to avoid contracting this illness. But there are always exceptions, people who do not know how to clean wounds, or they forgot to, or they do not have materials, etc. And thus, there are always stories to tell.

One of the most known histories are when the Asheks first moved to Emea. The Rotten scales was already known so it was not a new thing, but while settleing in Emea a group of over a 1000 Asheks where attacked by some fauna and most of them got injured. Too much people were injured and thus, not everyone managed to clean their wounds before Rotten scales started appearing. A contagious illness started appearing in the group and because many of them had Rotten scales, they started dying and soon almost all of them where dead. The survivors were not accepted in other groups, left to die alone.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species

Afreys have to be extra cautions of not contracting Rotten scales, especially near their wings. When Rotten scales appears near their wings or the start of their wings, it not only affects the scales of the structure of their wings but also the membrane.
When the membrane is infected, the symptoms go straight to the rotting part, making the infected unable to fly.
If it affects the start of their wing, it may cause the infected to lose the wings' mobility, and it may cause unbearable pain (it is recommended to cut off the wing).


When Sroran left their tribe, there were a couple of Asheks infected with Rotten scales and also got infected with a virus that was slowly infecting everyone in the tribe. Sroran only learnt about that when they escaped as their protectors hid the truth from him.


There have been rumours, of an old plant that has obtained the rare power of magic. They say that its leaves can heal Rotten scales. Is it true? Asheks are reluctant to changes and to try new things so they have not tried this rumour (except some individuals) and they shut up the individuals saying that the rumours are truth.

Cultural Reception

Asheks tribes have agreed to all follow a protocol whenever some individual starts showing the Rotten scales:
  • Isolate the individual and the individuals who spent more time near them (usually family)
  • Check carefully any individual that shows any wound, be it infected or clean. Isolate if someone is found with an infection.
  • If the tribe has an Asheks Afreys: add protection and vigilance and medic supplies where the Afreys resides.
  • If illness starts spreading even if done the isolation, evacuate Afreys (if not infected), evacuate sane individuals, infected individuals must move so they all live near them (as much far away as possible from sane individuals). After a quarentine of a month, sane individuals may return to the town (where there are not infected). Infected and sane individuals will not cut communications but these must be through Thevars.
At the end of the day, many tribes do not follow the agreeded protocol.

Cover image: by Vertixico


Author's Notes

Amazing spoiler from Stormbril, you can find them here

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Jul 2, 2021 21:47 by Avalon Arcana

Oh man, this opens up a lot of questions. If the scales keep on rotting forever (since there is no treatment) then is it just a foregone conclusion that eventually it will reach the wings and the infected person will not be able to fly? And is the rotting of scales painful? oh, this is such a cool article! I love it! (i also love the lizard, he is cute.) :)

You should check out the The 5 Shudake, if you want of course.
Jul 2, 2021 22:19 by Catoblepon

Yes, if the person has wings (not all of them have, just a portion, the so-called afreys) it will eventually reach the wings, but it doesn't necessarily mean they will not be able to fly, some still can fly but it's painful. The rotting of the scales is not painful but it's not a good sensation as it is similar to touching a rotten fruit when it's abou to fall off. I'm glad you liked it :D

Visit Daeliha, Iphars, Khulgran & Shattered
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Jul 2, 2021 21:52

Ooooh and look at those badass awesome CSS things too ;D   Awesome stuff Cato :D

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Jul 2, 2021 22:01 by Catoblepon

Thanks! Stormbril did great with the fancy spoilers :D

Visit Daeliha, Iphars, Khulgran & Shattered
Love to code, but this one is driving me crazy!
My world Shattered won as the "Most ground-breaking premise new world"!
Jul 2, 2021 22:07

Nice article and some very cool uses of css there with the spoilers! :D It has an easy to read layout and a well thought out disease. Must be quite horrifying to know that the process keeps repeating.

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Jul 2, 2021 22:19 by Catoblepon

Thank you! And yes, it's quite a fearful condition ;D

Visit Daeliha, Iphars, Khulgran & Shattered
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Jul 3, 2021 00:27 by R. Dylon Elder

Nooooo another one that targets kids. Why you all gotta hurt me like that XD well done here Cato. It's also kinda horrifying. I dont want it, for sure. Btw awesome use of the new css stuff. Love it!

Jul 3, 2021 09:29 by Catoblepon

Sorry about the kids part :P

Visit Daeliha, Iphars, Khulgran & Shattered
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Jul 3, 2021 08:47 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Interesting disease, this sounds absolutely terrible! Amputating the wings must be the worse... Though would that really be enough to get rid of the infection or is it already in the bloodstream/in the air etc? If it can infect other people around, I would think it would be easy to reinfect the same person...   How is it transmitted between people touch? Or just proximity for a few hours? A few minutes?   Nice use of Stormbril's css :p

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Jul 3, 2021 09:38 by Catoblepon

It is not transmitted to others, one can only get it by the wound. What it's transmitted and makes this illness dangerous are the other infections that are transmitted by airborne or by touch, that one can be infected with way easily while having rotten scales. This illness basically weakens the immunity system and this opens doors to other illnesses to enter the infected body which can make that a simple illness that is not mortal (such as the common cold nowadays) could be mortal

Visit Daeliha, Iphars, Khulgran & Shattered
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Jul 3, 2021 09:40 by Catoblepon

I forgot to address the "get rid". The illness settles in the bloodstream so it can expand to other places of the body, you guessed right there :D And the illness cannot reinfect an individual as the illness never disappears

Visit Daeliha, Iphars, Khulgran & Shattered
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Jul 6, 2021 00:17 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

'At the end of the day, many tribes do not follow the agreeded protocol.' Just like real life. *frowny face*   This sounds like such a horrible condition. I wish they would try the rumoured cure!

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Jul 6, 2021 20:28 by Catoblepon

Unluckily, yeah, like real-life >:(

Visit Daeliha, Iphars, Khulgran & Shattered
Love to code, but this one is driving me crazy!
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Jul 17, 2021 14:05 by TC

This is a really dope condition! I love how you delve into the social consequences of such an illness. Neat stuff!

Creator of Arda Almayed
Jul 17, 2021 20:21 by Catoblepon

I have intentions of doing so! But after summer camp, probably

Visit Daeliha, Iphars, Khulgran & Shattered
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