Berlin Character in Up&Down | World Anvil


Doesn't talk much. Has many secrets.

Past Life

Of all the already mysterious Scavengers, Berlin is the one who has shared the least about his life up until the point where he joined them. That is partly due to the fact that he doesn't like to talk about anything at all, ever. He seems the most content when being left alone and brooding about whatever things may be going through his head.   What's for sure is that he's seen a lot of combat in his years. His extremely aloof nature makes his teammates suspect that he must have lost people who were dear to him before; that is, unless he's always been like this and never let anybody get close to him at all.

With the Scavengers

A few years ago, when looting a battlefield where the Legion clashed with another clan, the Scavengers found a heavily injured soldier inside a disabled tank. They took him in and helped him recover, and at first thought something was wrong with his vocal cords, or that he was utterly traumatized - because he didn't speak a word until three weeks in, where he called Angler a "chucklefuck" after the other Scavenger claimed that Berlin wasn't mute, just "bone-headed". He didn't say another word for a week after that.   One could say that once he recovered from his injuries, Berlin started warming up to his new team somewhat. He didn't run away on the first chance he got, and turned out to be a skilled fighter once he started accompanying them on their raids.   Why he stays with them and doesn't look for greener pastures elsewhere is unknown. He used to be on good terms with Claudia, and seems to still grieve for her. He didn't do anything to prevent Winston's cruel fate, in any case.
42 y/o
Aligned Organization


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