Scavengers Organization in Up&Down | World Anvil


Weird ragtag group of outcasts who live in a bunker.

Some clans are very small, and made of very strange individuals. The Scavengers were meant to be neither, but unfortunately, their previous leader's efforts to create something less small and less strange didn't come to fruition before he was lobotomized by his own teammate. Since then, the clan's efforts have been rather all over the place, and new members haven't been accepted in years.


The Scavengers were founded by Winston, a pretty ambitious young man who quit his own clan for it. In the beginning, they didn't have a name. Winston hadn't decided what to call his newly founded group yet; but before he could do that, they gained a reputation as looters and scavengers. Due to the clan only consisting of Winston himself, Claudia, and Sky at first, they were forced to get by with more or less doing exactly that - looting and scavenging. When they'd show up in a town, people would sneer and note that "the scavengers" had arrived. The name eventually stuck.

Moving In

As they were looking for a suitable base for quite a while, they eventually stumbled upon an abandoned bunker outside the town Ruindom. The other Scavengers weren't thrilled about making this their base, but Winston - feeling like it was the best... and only option - convinced them to move in. From there, they spent their days loitering at the nearby town and doing the odd mercenary job for the inhabitants.

New Additions & Threats

Winston still had his mind set on improving his clan and made active recruiting efforts. It didn't take long until Angler joined them, and soon after, Berlin did too. But just when it looked like Winston's ambitions were starting to actually go somewhere, the Legion started attacking Ruindom. The Scavengers tried to help fend off the raids, but during one of them ended up in the predicament of being completely outnumbered and overrun. They retreated into their bunker, but Claudia got left behind. Winston locked her out to keep the rest of his clan safe. She was taken away.

End of the Dream

All of his teammates were deeply affected, but one of them took it especially poorly. In the night that followed the incident, Angler attacked Winston and injured him gravely, then took over command. Ever since, the agenda has been as erratic as the new leader, and the recruiting attempts have stopped.
Notable Members
Life in the bunker is rather somber nowadays. Visitors are generally not welcome, and silence fills the concrete rooms most of the time - it's dark and damp and dreary inside.


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