Human Species in Up&Down | World Anvil


The main species of the setting.

Humans are the only sapient race in this setting. Their world and civilization has been torn apart by WW3 and the societal, economical, and environmental collapse that followed the use of atomic bombs during it. Starting from a modern society and technology, humanity regressed to more partitioned and primitive ways of life. In some regions, the general lifestyle is comparable to that of medieval Europe, in others it is similar to the Wild West or even dieselpunk-ish.  
Life is rough in this world, and a human character that reached the age of above 45 years is considered Old.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Technology varies from region to region. Modern vehicles, tools, weapons, and electronics are known and widely used, but powering them can be an insurmountable challenge depending on the location and infrastructure. Horseback travel and working animals have become very popular again.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

English is the most-commonly understood and spoken language. Most humans know English to at least a basic level additionally to their native language.
A human character may take English Language +2 as an additional, "free" skill during character creation.

Daily Life

For most humans in this setting, combat is a part of their daily life in one way or the other. It is rare to find someone who hasn't learned how to handle a weapon at some point during their life and hasn't actually needed to handle it, too. Even peaceful merchants living in trading towns might need to defend themselves against raiders.   The most common, "default" lifestyle is based around travelling as nomads or living in bases with groups/clans. These groups/clans do not shy away from attacking each other to steal each other's resources and equipment.
A human character must take at least one Firearms-based skill during character creation.
Human CD10 Starting Traits






average of 50 years
about 3 billion


Humans in this setting tend to be extremely superstitious and have developed an elaborate mythology surrounding the previous apocalypse and fall of their civilization.   They meticulously avoid any actions or thoughts that could attract "bad luck", and many humans have personal rituals to attracting "good luck" - this is closely intertwined with calling upon the favors of their mythological deities.   Sulfur is such a deity, and he is believed to bring bad luck to those who dare to take his name in vain or do anything he disapproves of.
Aki on the other hand is seen as a benevolent father figure, and he brings good luck to those who are devoted to him.


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