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Another World,
Another time,
In the age of Resistance

The cruel Skeksis amass warped soldiers to form their Garthim army.
Noble Gelfling raise their weapons against their former masters.
A dark blight creeps through Thra, poisoning body and mind alike.
Those stories are set in stone... It is time for something different, for a story set in flame.
The whispers of prophecy hang on the wind, like smoke on the water.
Thra is primed for you to take your place among the great heroes of old.
Nothing in these pages is truth except that which you choose to believe.
Will the flames of resistance stir in your heart? Will you be a spark of light against the Darkening?
Will you help protect Thra, so she can rise once more from the ashes?

Welcome to The Dark Crystal Adventure Game interactive resources, courtesy of WorldAnvil! This website is a simple way to heighten the experience of The Dark Crystal Adventure Game. Feel free to check out the maps, learn about creating characters, and use this as a quick reference of various locations around Skarith.  

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