Nymph | Thicket of thorns


By Nathalia Books
Nymphs are Fey, through and through. They are always beautiful and seductive as well as lethal. They can be extremely territorial and will lure enemies into a false sense of safety before killing them. This instinct for a domain can just as easily be figurative as literal. A nymph who has decided to claim someone as a lover will stop at nothing to keep anyone unauthorised from touching their pet.   At their core, nymphs are nature spirits and their power comes from instincts. They represent the pollination of trees, the hatching of baby birds, and the sheer abundance of life. This makes them a very creative force as well as a destructive one. Sometimes they want to share in music, clothes, or food rather than sex. And many times they're happy leaving their victims humiliated or just confused rather than dead.  

Spirits of the Lands

Forest Nymphs

With wood-like skin and green hair, these nymphs can be seen dancing among the trees of Faerie. They are especially fond of the Lands of Spring and Summer, where they pick flowers to decorate their hair. Spider silk clothing remains a ever popularchoice among them.  

Water Nymps

While all nymphs are naturally drawn to water as it helps them produce enzymes that keep their skin and hair look ever young, water nymphs benefit more than others. The water around these creatures swirl, foam, and fly as the very element long to enhance their beauty. They need no clothes as water will swirl around them as needed. Their pale blue skin matches the deep green hair that's covered in water plants.   Water nymphs, unlike their cousins, never live in the Land of Winter as they need their homes to not freeze.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Nymphs are often too jealous of each other by nature to have children, but it happens. They can conceive with a few other types of beings, including humans, in which case the result is almost always a nymph. The likelihood of such a conception is extremely unlikely without some magic.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Not only do nymphs see beauty more strongly than most other entities, but they are also able to determine what someone else sees as beautiful. This is how they can quickly identify how to trap someone with their wiles.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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