Chimes | Thicket of Thorns

Chimes traditions

Cultures have hung various symbols to ward off evil or to spread influence for millennia. Everything from ancient wooden signals around traps to dream-catchers to Buddhist prayer wheels uses this method. The advantage of their use is that their effect can be spread in a potentially large area and might even be able to travel with the wind or through the water.

Components and tools

Every chime or tool must be hand-crafted by the one imbuing it with arcane powers. Using actual branches from the Thicket of Thorns that can represent the Branches used to power it makes it significantly better. The more intricate the completed chime, the larger area it can affect and the stronger its grip on that area becomes.   A simple wooden wind chime might carry a small enchantment around a door, while a truly advanced dream-catcher might reach into the dreams of everyone in a small building. However, it takes a while before a chime can reach its full effect if it's moved to a new location. This is one reason they are often used for wards or to strengthen one's Arcane Sanctum.


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