Character Archetypes in Survive | World Anvil

Character Archetypes

Belwo is a few examples of characters that could be useful for a settlement. This page is primarily used for NPC creation but players can feel free to use it for character inspiration.  
1. The Cook - [Cooking + Herbalism]
2. The Craftsman - [Crafting skill + related Foraging skill, secondary skill]
3. The Doctor - [Medicine + First-Aid + Tonic]
4. The Elder - [Management + Herbalism + First-Aid + Writing]
5. The Healer - [Tonic + First-Aid + Herbalism]
6. The Hunter - [Combat skill + Hunting skill group + Butchering]
7. The Scientist - [Studying skill group + Herbalism]
8. The Scout - [Exploring + Traveling + Observing + Writing]
9. The Warrior - [Ranged/Melee + Brawn]
10. The Wrangler - [Handling skill group + Butchering]


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