Awakened Characters in Survive | World Anvil

Awakened Characters

Characters that are directly controlled by a player are considered “Awakened” and have access to a unique passive Player Trait. This trait is created by the Guide and the player themselves after discussing what the player wants out of their characters. This, overall, leads to certain players being more specialized towards a particular play style allowing diversity without each player having to worry about fitting into the puzzle that is survival.

If a character survives long enough to reach the 10th level, the player that controls has their Player Trait increased in strength based on the major events the character has survived.   ##Currently Used Player Traits ###Tier 1 By Design: Whenever you roll the Architect skill, roll 2d20 and drop the lowest.
One with Nature: Whenever you roll the Camouflage skill, roll 2d20 and drop the lowest.
Meat Monger: Whenever you roll the Butchering skill, roll 2d20 and drop the lowest.
Anvil's Chime: Whenever you roll the Smithing skill, roll 2d20 and drop the lowest.
Pack Leader: Whenever you roll the Taming skill, roll 2d20 and drop the lowest.
Hunter's Guile: Whenever you roll the Tracking skill, roll 2d20 and drop the lowest.


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