
Year 568, era of the Movement

Meeraz in layers by Catoblepon

Becoming one with the world

The Starfading is a extremely rare condition that causes a person to change their appearance to be similar to the Stars' bodies and gives them some special abilities. The views of this conditions differs a lot from place to place but is, in general, good seen. People with this conditions are often called Starfaded, recalling their similarities to the Stars.

The conditions affects people seemingly at random, with no patterns seen nor rituals that help someone obtain this so called blessing (or curse in certain places). There's no way of preventing it either nor a way to stop it nor reversing it.

A black hand with coloured lines and dots.
Hand (Starfading) by Catoblepon

Metamorphosis stages

The Starfading has three metamorphosis stages.The timespan of each stage differs for different people, but each usually lasts a couple of weeks. It's been observed that the first stage is the one lasting longer, as while it's considered it's own stage, it is always still happening during the other two stages and it will mark the true ending of the stages. These stages are called metamorphosis as it is the symptoms of the Starfading that changes the Starfaded.

The initial stage of this condition makes random parts of the afflicted to become a deep black colour, similar to the void. This change of colour is gradual and slow, it might take some days for someone to see a new part of their body is changing the colour. Following this change of colour, the blackened parts will slowly display the veins under their skin, as they start softly shining (one couldn't see the shining except under full darkness, albeit the veins can be seen even under light) in The Creator's seven colours. Once the blackness reaches the eyes, these will change to one of The Creator's colours. It is said that it is the colour that better represents the Starfaded's souls but it is unknown if it truly means something.

A blue bust with a golden eye and a black burnt scar-like mark around said eye that's covered with soft coloured lines and dots.
Starfading eye by Catoblepon

The blackening will slowly cover all the body of the person and such person will start developing new supernatural abilities that normal people do not have; this marks the second stage. Such abilities seem to depend on the person's personality and/or dreams and thus most of the people with this conditions end up with a different group of abilities. These abilities will start being wild as the person's body will be changing to be able to use them comfortably and safely. It is important to try to control the new abilities quickly as it will help the body to adapt to them and will reduce the possible dangers to other people.

On the last stage, the Starfaded's voice will change. It will stop sounding like a voice and will only be heard by whoever they are talking to. It will sound like a lovely distant song in the back of their brains, a sweet tune that effects people in many different ways the first time they hear it. This, however, takes a long time to fully happens, thus for the duration of this stage, the Starfaded will unconsciously change from a normal voice to a Starfaded's voice.

This soft song will be similar to the type of music the listener loves more, and often will boost one of the listener's emotions. The Starfaded claim this is unintentional. The first time it is heard, the most impactful moment, will be different on different people depending on what emotion the voice brings and what the talk is about, many people claim that it brings a nostalgic feeling of something they loved when they were children, others break into tears from its beautifulness; some suffer an angry approach and feel a strong fear, worse than they ever felt. The Starfaded try their best to be careful of what their voice can share with their listeners, specially the first time they talk to someone and when they are going through the last stage of the starfading.

Post stages

I don't remember anymore who was my family yet I don't feel sad. I have my tavern and my lovely Maned bat, what else could I ask for?
— Owner of the "Blessed Bat", in Meeraz

After finishing the stages, the Starfaded also start changing mentally. These changes are subtle but might affect familiars and friends. The Starfaded will first of all present themselves as a new person to all people they care about, with the new presentation, the familiars and friends will be told what they will be doing from now on and sometimes even will have to say goodbye.

Starfading makes a Starfaded's mind focus, this focus usually is related to a dream the Starfaded had before metamorphosing and will attempt its best to reach it. Starfaded that are very attached to their family and friends might stay together or visit often, but still will keep their dream in mind.

Once a Starfaded reaches their dream, they will change their focus to another one (unless the dream is long term). Slowly, their memories of who they were before metamorphosing are forgotten; the memories from being a Starfaded replacing the old ones.


Being a Starfaded seems to also mean not aging, but it also means one cannot reproduce. Similar to the curiosity that brought People to kill Nera, some people have killed Starfaded at different stages of the condition.

Before the metamorphosis finished, the Starfaded dies as a normal person and still ages. But once the metamorphosis finishes, the Starfaded's body die just as a Star's body. Their veins of light will start bleeding their colours in a darker tone, and their blackened skin will dissolve into dust, leaving nothing behind, and going back to The Creator's embrace (this is just a belief).

Cultural views

A pile of different coloured books.
A pile of books by Catoblepon

Many people believe that being chosen to go through the Starfading is one, if not the best, honour one person might receive. It is usually believed that The Creator has chosen you and decided to reward you. Starfaded are often seen as the chosen ones, children of The Creator, and even demi-gods. The Starfaded are often also seen as free people and trying to force them to do anything against their will is seen as going versus The Creator.

There's small groups of people who have suffered and blame it on The Creator. These people tend to see the Starfaded as cursed, evils, or people who will bring pain and suffering. They are often pursued and killed or sacrificed in order to try appease The Creator's fury before they even reach the second stage. If a Starfaded fully metamorphosed, are often shun, driven away, and often will have bad receptions and stays.

There are rumours of Starfaded being able to communicate with the Giants albeit there aren't proof of it happening and the Starfaded keep claiming they cannot. What is true and has been observed is that the Giants seem to be attracted to Starfaded if these call the Giants's attention. 

Some also say that, rather than being chosen by The Creator or evils, they are newly born Stars or Stars' children. The people who believe it also say that they are the ones that will bring the Stars back to the Shattered and recover a good relationship with them. If this is true, no progress has been seen yet, and the first Starfaded appeared a couple eras ago, which make people refuse this theory.

A lots of children stories have Starfaded as heroes or villains. Some stories talk about Starfaded moving islands so they can meet back with families that ended up in other islands, while others talk about how Starfaded kidnap little children that badly behave and brings them to the Corpses, where they will never be seen again. Once again, there are no proof of any Starfaded doing anything from the stories, but as people with extraordinary powers, they are good protagonists (whether good or evil).

Cover image: Starfading (hand - cover) by Catoblepon


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Dec 24, 2023 10:49 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love all the different beliefs and lore behind this condition and it makes me wonder what the truth is.

Dec 24, 2023 11:51 by Catoblepon
Jan 3, 2024 21:06 by Ruby O'Degee

Of course I enjoyed the notion of "moving islands so they can meet back with families that ended up in other islands" most. Thank you for writing this article.

Stories that keep me guessing about where the monsters are hiding. Under my bed or in my head?
Jan 3, 2024 22:05 by Catoblepon

I'm glad you liked it! Thank you for reading <3

Jan 4, 2024 18:57 by Chas Johnson

I like this! I was thinking of a similar condition in appearance for my world although it isn't this in depth or colorful.

Jan 6, 2024 12:47 by Catoblepon
Jan 5, 2024 14:19 by Rin Garnett

This sounds so unsettling to see happen, or to experience. But also really cool? Do Starfaded abilities change over time as their dreams change? A typical person's personality also changes over time and with life experiences, does that also happen with Starfaded? And would it change their abilities at all?

Jan 6, 2024 13:11 by Catoblepon

Those are really good questions that I will try add info once I can edit the article again! I think abilities do change to fit to their dreams and help achieve them! Starfaded are still people, so yeah, their personality is forever changing like a "normal person"'s personality. I don't think their abilities change because of their personality, as it is all more tied to their dreams rather than who they are.

Jan 19, 2024 20:41 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

This is an interesting condition with many ins and outs and shows a lot of creativity. You have tried to represent how it is viewed across many different cultures which is real. I do think that I would work on re-organizing it a bot so that you have a cleaner and clearer definition of the phases of the progression of the condition, since that wasn't really clear to me. Well done though!

Follow my worlds: Arrhynsia and Compendium and check out my author website at to see my latest work!
Jan 20, 2024 22:03 by Catoblepon

I'm glad you liked it! I will take a look on the phases once the WE awards are done, thanks for the feedback :D

Jan 25, 2024 08:34

Very intriguing and interesting condition! I especially liked their voice change and different theories people have. The visual is also especially pretty to imagine.

Jan 25, 2024 08:44 by Catoblepon
Jan 26, 2024 19:34

Great job! The condition sounds as beautiful and fascinating as well as terrifying. Both the aspect of not aging and losing who once was before are pretty scary things.   I like both of the images that represent the condition of one's body and the little effect of the glow that shifts hue on the hand is a really nice accent.   So once again, great job, and I can't wait to read more about your worlds!

Jan 26, 2024 20:36 by Catoblepon
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