
This article will need cleaning up further after World Ember. This is one of several possible schools of magic that I want to further in Nonvyrox, in doing so I want to make each of them feel unique but connected. Therefore this article will likely be cleaned up in line with the others.
When you train the body enough, when you attune to your mind, that is the moment when you can utilise yourself as an arcane focus and manipulate the world around you.
Xerys Haleton on manomancy.
Manomancy is the ancient and highly specialised study of magic known as manus which focuses on the connection between things. Manomancy was initially discovered by a ranger who lived before The Shatter, however it has been slowly rediscovered in the current age by several groups simultaneously, though their understanding of manus is drastically different.


Manus is "the magical strings that bind each and every thing together. It is a force that cannot be wielded by basic arcane, divine, or primal means. Those who are highly proficient in the mannerisms of Manomancy have learned how to tease, tangle, and tie these threads between each and every thing to find that they can manipulate the world around them, or produce new and interesting magical potentials that are only accessible when truly connecting with what's in front of them. A master of Manomancy can push and pull the elements of existence at a whim, they can transmute objects whilst directly manipulating the weave of magic, therefore changing simple soft materials into a burst of firey flames.   Xerys Haleton has described Manomancy as "the border between oneself, ones mind, and the crux of magic itself. One of the three so called Component magics, Manomancy seems to be directly connected to the power of an individual's knowledge of self as much as it has the capability of manipulating all of existence around it.  

Manomancy Subclasses

  • Manomancer, a wizard who has specialised in the way of Manomancy above all other pursuits. Manomancers can use their body as an arcane focus and exert magical forces into other objects or areas.
  • Primal Weaver, a ranger who has learned how to weave the primal elements of the realm using Manomancy. Primal Weavers often have an affinity for the natural realm and strong bonds with primal and leyline spirits.
  • Way of the Honed Spirit, a monk who can channel their ki outwards and draw upon principles of Manomancy to manipulate the energy of their enemies and allies.

Known Spells Based on Manomancy

These spells are all placeholder text until I work on the real content of the spells. Each have a connection to the powers that are laid out in the Description of the magic of Manus, however they're in need of further expansion and development over time. Each spell will eventually get its own article with statistics and more information. All to come soon.


  • Weaving Smite
  • Elemental Charge


  • Mass Bind
  • Woven Flux


  • Bind
  • Bend
  • Break


  • Elemental Volley
  • Warding Weave


  • Elemental Fury
  • Blinding Light
  • Manipulator's Touch


  • Charged Tether
  • Reinforce


  • Weave Spell
  • Chromatic Burst


  • Soulbind
  • Arcane Lockdown


  • Reflect Spell
  • Elemental Arrow


  • Reality Weave



Ancient Origins

During the Dawning
The truest origins of Manomancy stems back into The Dawning. This was a time before most recorded history and as such most information that is connected to the ancient origins of Manomancy is mostly pulling from ancient ruins and ancient texts from the recordings made during the Age of Creation by people such as the Arvadians.   One text claims that the first Manomancer was a pure essence of positive energy combined with the essence of the powers that would become The Prime Pantheon. This individual, who was a member of one of the founding races became known as The Weaver. The Weaver is claimed to have been able to push through the boundaries of magic itself and was able to act as an almost equal power to the blossoming deities. The Weaver itself was not divine in its true nature, but they were the first attempt at creating life by The Prime Pantheon and as a result became an immortal.  

Divine Blessings

During The Dawning
During one of many further conflicts between the anceint primordial titans and the burgeoning powers that were becoming The Prime Pantheon, The Weaver worked alongside The Prime Pantheon, choosing to only fight for the preservation of ones family, life, and home. After the centuries spent fighting, A dying member of The Prime Pantheon passed the divine spark linked to magical energies into The Weaver. This is said to be the final act of this dying god before they were erased from all existence, their name forgotten to history.   After becoming a deity in themselves, The Weaver, along with the other sixteen powers, were able to create the first mortals, beings with finite lifespans that would help to populate the planet that The Prime Pantheon had grown fond of. The Weaver granted a blessing onto all things that existed within the wide and vast universe surrounding them, to possess at least a fragment of Manus within their being. In doing so, some mortals became able to control the magical energies of the world, something The Weaver would help to develop and refine over future generations.

One Chosen...

The Age of Creation
During the Age of Creation a figure seemed to gain a vast amount of favour with The Weaver. This Ranger seemed to have become one chosen, whether from birth of from their actions in life, to be a member of their highly regarded circle. The Weaver recognised through their understanding of the threads of fate that their time was coming to a close and needed to pass on their knowledge to ensure it would continue for the centuries to come.   Its not uncommon for deities to select a chosen individual, but this Ranger forged a connection with The Weaver that allowed them to directly learn and transcribe some of the efforts of Manomancy into several different texts and groups. While no one person seemed able to learn all of the Manomantic arts, the Ranger came the closest to learning how to manipulate the threads and strings of existence. Many of their texts were sealed and recorded in ancient tombs and monuments across the lands, Several of which have been rediscovered over the years.

The Shatter

During The Shatter
Very little has been recorded of the use of Manomancy and its continuance during The Shatter, primarily due to the fact that many records were expunged or lost over the course of the war. It is known that The Weaver was not present during The Shatter and that most records of their existence have been lost.   The Ranger and the records that were hidden were moved and lost throughout the war, some of the records are within their own tomb, created near the beginning of the war after their tragic death. Their tomb seems to have remained undistrubed in Vilura for the past several centuries since its rediscovery in 324 AR. It has since been renamed as the Tomb of the Unkown. There are said to be secrets still held within the tomb that still remain undiscovered, though to what extent remain unclear and many people wish to look for the "hidden treasures" that are said to be stored deep within the tomb.

A Monastery Recovered

During the Age of Restoration
In 434 AR, a collection of hired mercenaries from Blackrune were charged to head south towards the unclaimed lands of Fieldas. The group was hired by a high member of the Veritas Convention, who aimed to find some artifacts and antiquities to transfer over to the Ossalimarian Empire. This group discovered the ruins of an ancient monastry, seemingly linked to either the Ranger or The Weaver.   This monastery, known as the Threadwalkers Grove seemed to only possess nature in its midsts, though there were some arcane traps and hidden elements that seemed to give some information regarding the study of Manomancy. Whether it was this group of mercenaries or another that were able to gather the information remains unclear, though some claim that a group of unlikely adventurers were able to do so. This monastery was the first of several discoveries related to Manomancy over the next several decades from ancient texts through to carvings and manuscripts.  
A long lost monastery is finally unveilled, will your band of adventurers discover the ancient secrets that lie within the ruins? or will you be snuffed out by the hidden traps and ancient creatures that guard the monastery grounds...
— Premise of "Scorched Monastry"

Ancient Texts Decoded

During the Age of Restoration
By 663 AR, several ancient texts related to Manomancy had been decoded by several groups across the world. From Hallowed Call to the Obsidian Forge, many of these groups considered it an ancient magic that different scholars and arcanists among their ranks attempted to discover the secrets of. Upon the decoding of the texts, several people stepped away and realised that they would need to discover their own path beyond these organisations, creating even further fragmentations into the understanding of Manomancy   .In 698 AR, the first group dedicated to the study of Manomancy, the Monastery of the Honed Spirits was founded by Clarissa Moore as a collection of people dedicated to the advancement and understanding of Manomancy in the modern age. The collection take in those who are trained with the arcane arts and allow for some development among those without the inherent connections to the arcane world.   The Monastery of the Honed Spirits has become the defacto location upon which many travel to learn Manomancy, particularly if they have no formal arcane training. It has become a location in which the training of mystic and martial arts can combine and fuse into a further understanding of oneself and the way in which magical understanding can manipulate the physical form.

Magical Connections

During the Age of Restoration
In the past several decades the magical side of Manomancy has taken prominence with the collectives that have worked on the development of the magic. Those who have developed any kind of instinct towards the Manomantic arts have usually found themselves to utilise it within the confines of the traditional eight schools of the arcane magics. There are two individuals who have been known to stray beyond these traditional bounds, particularly as they wish to learn more about the vast and expansive possibilities that combining or blurring the lines between these traditional structures would allow.   Everys Haleton was the first person to discover how to blend the schools of magic utilising Manomancy. In doing so, she was known to be able to create different types of material from another, similar to high-level transmutation, while at the same time conjuring the matter from somewhere else. Using such abilities she was able to fund several magical circles that would allow for the experimentation of different sources of magic.   Xerys Haleton is considered by many to be the most powerful Manomancer of the modern age. For several decades, she studied under their mother and learned as much as they could about all types of magic. When Everys passed, Xerys passed on the responsibility of running the magical circles, instead stepping into the limelight to further advance the knowledge of fonts of magic and the different ways one could access such magical abilities.

Individual Research

During the Age of Restoration
Along with Xerys' step towards individual research, Manomancy, outside of the Honed Spirits and other organisations, has made a definitive step towards individuals who wish to grab an essence of power or grabbing a sliver of understanding of the world that surrounds them. There have been certain individuals who have utilised Manomancy, or related relics and artifacts, to enforce such power through their own will. The individuals who have done so are commonly considered to be villainous in histories and written texts. However, this is not always the case as there have been several examples of unbiased history showing that there are some individuals who have used Manomancy as a means to elevate selfless ideals, however many of them seem to have fallen at some point to a dark and derived history.   There are a few individuals whose research has been focused on Manomancy but has seemingly been limited to a theoretical scope. Rather than drawing on the strings of physical space, these practitioners instead utilise this concept to develop their own understanding of manus and how it can be manipulated. In doing so, they use some of the theoretical aspects and draw upon them in other elements of practice. In doing so, some of the academics involved in Manomantic research have started to lay together an understanding of the lattice of Leylines that are drawn along the world. This and other different research areas have been greatly developed by diversifying research to look outside of the natural understanding of magic.

Manomancy Utilization History

Its important to talk about important and notable uses of Manomancy, regardless of user or power level, there are some important elements of the magic that have developed over the many times people have called upon Manus. This section will take the place of a rough timeline of events.  
This section requires expansion, it will contain several uses of Manomancy and will be expanded further in the coming weeks.


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Dec 28, 2023 12:19 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I know you said you have to tidy this up and expand certain sections, but it feels like a rich and detailed article already. Can't wait to see what the cleaned up version (and the other magics) look like. :D

Jan 5, 2024 21:45 by Kwyn Marie

I like the drop-down contents. It's a nice way to have a toc but not have it take up lots of room.

Jan 8, 2024 19:38 by Barb

Your description of this school of magic is so well laid out! I haven't seen very many magic schools like this and it intrigues me. I'll be adding this to my follow list so I can come back to check for updates because I want to see what else you add here!

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