
Twelfth Month of the Year

Ailelpēh is the 12th and last month of the year in the Hillenistic Calendar. The name comes from the Aiterean word for the virtue of being just. There are 27 days within the month, and it is preceded by Iqtīlapoiteril and followed by Gileiqteril.  

Significant Events

  • Start of the Belika Revolt in Alminthas (Ailelpēh 27, 1457 AA)
  • The Rehenian Commonwealth declares independence, beginning the Uildilín Liberation War (Ailelpēh 5, 1552 AA)
  • Hillenistic Calendar
    Generic article | Dec 28, 2020

    The Hillenistic calendar is the most popular calendar system on the continent of Lethea


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