Dark Speech | World Anvil - Isekai Codex

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Dark Speech

Cursed Language of Isekai

A cursed language that is incomprehensible to all races and peoples except for two groups, the first being high tier celestial beings like gods and ancient demons that regard it as a dangerous tool and the second are those inflicted with the Vampiric Curse when they have grown both old and powerful. Speakers of this language are the rarest in the world of Isekai, while the gods and ancient demons can speak it, the gods consider it a revolting and cursed language and the ancient demons revere it as an incredible implement of power. The script for this language is unrecognizable to most creatures and looks like a never-ending series of scratches and claw marks that have no meaning but those that gaze upon the markings will be filled with dread, hopelessness, and inexplicable fear. Single letters from this language have been found on the cursed weaponry of incredibly powerful Dark Knights and Vampires.   The earliest appearance of this language is unknown and it is assumed to predate Isekai as the ethereal form of dark power within the cosmos. The first creature on Isekai to learn and use this language was said to be Morrin Carlov, one of the original Humans from the creation story of the Elder Races. The legend says that he sought dark power and knowledge beyond the gods and cast aside the ideals of celestial beings as he reached for power. Much of the syntax and requirements to write this language are unknown, even weaker demons and vampires have no innate knowledge of this language and it seems to be something that takes hundreds of years to learn. What is known about this language is that if you cannot learn this language then it simply sounds like white static or utter silence that seems to quell the noise of anything within 120 feet. When Dark Speech is uttered nothing else can be heard, no song, speech, no clash of battle nor explosion of fire can be heard during that time. Heat seems to leave the area, sunlight becomes hollow and comfortless and color begins to leave the vision of those within the range of the effect. This language is said to corrupt and empower magic in different ways, changing the purpose of seemingly harmless spells to give them a sinister power. Because of the rarity of this language and the lack of those proficient in its written component, no one has ever seen the language inscribed nor can they offer insight as to how the meaningless scratches are created or if there is any grander idea behind their eerie appearance. The only theory that comes from the legends about Morrin Carlov depicts that the language can be impressed upon a surface simply by speaking it but the few scholars that are interested in this language have no way to safely pursue an answer to this question.   The advantages of speaking this language are obscure, mostly unknown, and untested but it is said to be a way to grant incredible power in the way of persuasion, magic, eloquence, and anything involving the spoken word. The script is rumored to impart uncontrollable power onto objects that the script is impressed upon and in many cases, the truth of the matter far exceeds any rumor about the object in question but these are considered cursed items that come with a hefty price for any that wield them. When the conversation includes celestial beings instead of mere mortals, legends say that this is the language and the tool of power that the ancient demons have used to strike out against the gods of Isekai. Speaking this language in the presence of any celestial being is sure to elicit a reaction that varies depending on their demeanor as a god or a demon but speaking it in the presence of lesser demons or mortal creatures seems to cause immediate fear, weakness, and uncontrollable shaking.

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