Axysk forest Geographic Location in Iphars | World Anvil

Axysk forest

Iphars is being reworked! Please bear with me!

Axysk forest is a forest located inside the Axysk lake, formed by some species of Firava that resembles trees.


This forest is located at the bottom northen part of the Axysk lake and, in some parts, the cliff that is located at the northeast part of the lake.
The forest is pretty dense, more dense in the middle than the exterior, providing small creatures protection from the bigger depredators. The floor is overgrown with lots of algae like plants and rocks in strange formation (called Thofass) take up most places free of the algae like plants.

Fauna & Flora

In the Axysk forest there are three differents species of Firava, and lots of tiny creatures that call this place home or use the forest as a safe place from predators.

Firava 1

They are plants with a structure similar to trees, with a trunk that seems made of rocks, roots strong enough to break the hard rocks at the bottom of the lava lake, and many thin branches that have leaves that are pretty similar to normal trees' leaves.

Firava 2

They are vines that survive by pircing Firava1 trunks and steal nutrients from them. They grow climbing the trunks and cover as much trunk as possible. The only motive that one may see a Firava 2 separate to a Firava 1 is when they are expanding to others Firava 1.

Firava 3

They are moss like plants that cover a great part of the floor of the forest. They survive digesting the dead corpses of other animals or plants. Firava3 is one of the smoothest plants of lava lakes, and have a pretty colour.
Most of Axysk forest animal population are small Lapez, with some bigger animals on the exterior parts, such as Shoogan.
This article is in order to be re-written, either to fit worldbuilding style, to change structure of article, or to fit updated lore. If you are interested in it, let me know either in Discord (such as in my discord or in my DMs) or as a comment here.
Location under


The Thofass are a group of rocks placed unnaturally that can be found on the floor of the Axysk forest.
This rocks are placed like tiny cabins, no more big than a shoes' box, and serve as home and protection for a small creature called Stonmir, which are small fishes (size of a tenis ball). They construct these cabins in the middle of these forest because they are dense enough to prevent most of their predators to pursue them within the forest territory.

Cover image: by Vertixico


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Aug 25, 2020 00:16 by Anna Katherina

Thank you so very, very, very much for participating in one of my dorky little Hummingbird Quests! The Firava sound really so cool, and are such a creative solution to a "forest" in the prompt, given the region- and I think I may be in love with the lapez. Lava fish just seem so neat~ I'm glad I could be of a little inspiration to you and help you build your world even a tiny bit more; I look forward to seeing more of your work :D

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Aug 25, 2020 10:17 by Catoblepon

Thank you and your lil quests! They helped so much, I had writer's block but your quest helped! And yeah, if you like stuff+lava, you will probably like around here :D

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