Krenling Species in Idyll | World Anvil


-Uuh. So... they don't look very domesticated.
-*raises an eyebrow* You think they look terrifying?
-Well, yeah. They aren#t the prettiest of animals.
-...humans are so weird.
August and Zamarca
  The Krenling is a six-legged beast that roams The Purple Mountain looking for food. The species used to be viewed as just another monster that killed people on sight until a couple of them were domesticated by a young dragonling. Wild Krenlings still roam the mountains though, so adventurers should be careful.  


They have long rough and water-resistant fur. It's mostly black and grey but there have been white and golden colored ones as well.   Their heads are long and contain a muzzle, a nose, two ears that are long and triangular, two beady eyes, whiskers, and cheeks.   Their bodies are long. If the creature could stand on it's two hind legs it would be taller than an averaged sized Orcs. It has four legs and two more legs that could classify as arms. The paws on these two legs even have opposable thumbs. They have rough pads on all six of their paws and long extendable claws.   They have a long prehensile tail that is usually the length of their body but some of them have shorter tails.  


They reproduce through internal fertilization. They have two breeding periods a year and they produce around 3 offspring at every birth.  


The Krenling was first domesticated as a pet by a couple of youngsters in Zarinth. But when more non-dragons started moving into Zarinth the adults figured that the Krenlings could be useful. They are currently used for many jobs. There are Krenlings who help out in the mines, Krenlings who transport visitors, Kernlings who work as guards for special buildings, and Krenlings who work as service animals to those with disabilities.
67 years
Geographic Distribution


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