
Built at the feet of Greze Urngorr's mountains lies the large town of Matona, the epitome of mining and smithing. In its care are the biggest mines for common and rare materials. And, most important of all, they manage the largest lair found to date with Zedonias. With full control over one of the most important resources in Eshil, Matona is an important player in the Kingdom of Illtresi.  
Ah, I can see it, the tower of Matonis! Should be just a few more hours before we reach the outer walls of the city. And then... finally a place to rest.
— A merchant from the Limani Supplies Dealer

Profession Heaven

Matona is one of the larger towns where there is a heavy emphesis on smithing professions. With the raw materials close by, the place has many Blacksmith workshops scattered through the streets. The more advanced ranks are present as well, such as the Armoursmith, Weaponsmith, and Bladesmith. The Mandri own most of the workshops with a few Human owners here and there. There are even a handful of Jewelcrafters who turn rare gemstones into magic rings. It doesn't come as a surprise that the city has a large blacksmithing academy. Many young dwarfs from the region travel to Matona to receive education and training here, before potentially venturing off to other towns or small villages.   The The Dwarven Mining Enterprise also has a big presence in the profession community of Matona. They deliver most, if not all, the excellent Miners and maintain all the mining shafts in the Greze Urngorr mountains. The company provides its employees with housing in the miner district, moving entire families to the city to keep them together.   In the trading district, the Limani Supplies Dealer has an establishment to take care of all its merchants. Matona has close relations with the merchants from Limani who deliver and trade the products from the mines for other goods to sustain the population. In return, the town gave the organisation permission to build flexible homes for their merchants. It provides their employees with temporary housing for their stay in the town before going on their way to their next assignment.
Eshil of Illtresi
Large town
Related Ethnicities
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)
Related Professions

Location Under
Greze Urngorr

Cover image: Hesli Banner by ShadowPhoenix


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Jul 6, 2023 00:37 by Rin Garnett

I'm curious, with so many coming here for education, and entire families moving here for work... what do they do for fun? I can only imagine what hijinks college students get up to in a mining town :D

Jul 6, 2023 06:54

Oooh good question! That's definitely something I should expand on ^^ I can see those students playing hide and seek in the mines, or messing with school equipment (swapping standard coals for charcoals so the fire doesn't burn at a stable heat which makes the smithing job even more difficult XD).

Jul 6, 2023 00:53 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the idea of a blacksmithing academy. I bet the town is quite loud with all the forges, though!

Jul 6, 2023 06:55

What better place for an academy, than the place where all raw materials are (quite literally) a stone throw away ^^ And indeed, I don't even want to know how many noise complaints there must be in a city like this.. xD

Jul 7, 2023 10:14 by Catoblepon

Can people that aint dwarves learn in the blacksmith academia? I would love to learn a bit in there...

Jul 7, 2023 11:33

The academy is for everyone! ^^ Good upperbody strength is necessary, though. Still, the elves and gnomes have found ways to do it, so you can do too ^^

Jul 7, 2023 13:06 by Catoblepon


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