
Buried inside a mountain, well into the Towers of the Day, a small gate appears. Two torches flare in the wind guarding the gate and watching weary visitors. Even the strongest gusts or avalanche in these snow peaked mountains cannot dim their fire. They burn waiting for a passerby to read their plaque.  
Only those who know the mountains, know its secrets.
Those who know its secrets, know how to find the tunnels.
Those who know the tunnels, know where to find the gate.
Those who find the gate, may enter the Kingdom.
— The Plaque of the Torches

Warmth of the Mountain

Travellers who have been blessed with the knowledge to enter the capital of the Kingdom of Illtresi will find an ancient city hidden within the mountain. Every house, every building is carved out of stone. The city feels like one living organism with everything connected to one another because it is all made out of the same mountain.   The roof of the enormous cavern that provides warmth and shelter to thousands of people is covered in obsidian. Looking up feels like watching the night's sky. Stars twinkle as the deep purple glass reflects the city lights back, comets pass by when a large envoy makes its way through the wide main streets. One part of the roof is magical obsidian, altered to let sunlight through during the day but turn into solid stone at night.   At the heart of the mountain a steamy castle looks over its city. Said to be near impenetrable because of a heated obstacle; the lava lake where it resides and has done so for eons. Whoever came before, knew what they were doing; they kept the bolstrous lava far away enough to not risk burning their work, but close enough for its natural heat to regulate a steady and cozy temperature.   People from all walks of life navigate the narrow city streets to their favourite taverns and shopkeepers. A pleasant and bustling atmosphere makes the mountain feel like one big family. Children run through the alleys, parents chatting about and helping one another. Workshops fill the main streets with wares and services providing the weary traveller with all their needs.
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization
Eshil of Illtresi

Cover image: Hesli Banner by ShadowPhoenix


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Jul 19, 2023 23:08 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

That obsidian ceiling sounds so fricking beautiful. I wish I could see it.   I do feel that the castle near a lava lake is slightly ominous... I hope nice people live in it. :D

Jul 20, 2023 07:17

I could lay on the roof of one of those houses and stare at that ceiling for days.   Mm, I hope so too! Would be a shame if anyone in that palace is corrupted or something o.O

Jul 24, 2023 07:29 by Catoblepon

SECRET TUNNEEEEEL! I love the idea of a sky-like ocean ceiling. i want it, gimme

Jul 24, 2023 12:47

I should make a song for that, shouldn't I? :P But yes, I too want that ceiling for important reasons!

Aug 8, 2023 03:42 by Rashkavar

Very cool idea. Always a big fan of impressive underground societies. Love how you paint the mood of the city describing how lights move through it and over it, that's such a neat way of giving the vibe of a city.

Sep 7, 2023 09:39

Thank you! <3

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