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The Oathbound

The Tragic Paladins

"Get up," the titan whispered in his ear and he felt himself crawling along the floor of the house, drawn to the source of their fear. He propped himself up and looked around the room. He marveled at the sight. Between him and his doomed attackers was A black sun, smaller, but within reach.

It was the size of a wood burning stove and hovered in the air patiently. He heard the voice of his killers ringing in his ears. He felt he heard the words before.
"Shell, what is this?"
"It's not me."
"Reach into the sun, minors." The titan whispered.
"Will it hurt?" He couldn't tell if he spoke or thought the question, but he received an answer.
"Extremely," was his reply. He winced and then forced himself to reach in. He felt his skin bubble and melt. He screamed in both rage and agony. His skeletal hands gripped something, his fingers wrapped around it, a handle of some kind.

His position was more stable now, he could no longer see the strange woman. He could only hear her calming voice.
"Strike it." He felt his attention pulled to his free hand. He was still holding the hammer. The pain was more bearable no, no nerves to burn anymore. His cry was of determination and fury as he raised the hammer and struck the heart of the black sun with more force then he ever dared at the forge. The sound of the strike was beautiful but rang with ill fortune. His attackers collapsed to the ground clasping their ears in hopes of deafening that which tolled for them. It was a thunderous drone that reminded him of the cathedral bells of Rouxsgate, only louder and distant, as if phasing between this world and the domain of death itself. He struck again on impulse and while light radiated from the star.

The bells told once more and the screams of the thieves, a chorus of agony only made it seem sweeter. He struck a final time and this toll was the loudest, the dirt and dust kicked up in a ring around him and the sound seemed to push the harsh white light out of the room in a flash and the neon black remained

He now felt that the object had weight and balance.
He slowly pulled his hand from the dying star and watched as the muscle tissue and skin reformed. The handle was black as pitch and the head of warhammer emerged as the sun dispersed into nothing. The head of the hammer was beautiful, as if made of the star itself. Sunspot danced across its black and white surface.

His attackers stood up in pain and confusion, assisting one another in their attempt to flee. Minos looked to the the face of his wife, fearful of what he may see. The look on her face was serene, even comfortable with the beginning of a amorous smile proudly frozen in her passing.
— From The Dirge of Minos Shae

The Power Of A Promise

Those bound by oath have made a promise. To who or what is irrelevant. The promise was made and the bearer must keep it.
It drives their every action and thought. The circumstance of the oath differs from one to another but it always comes with a perfect storm.
As the boy swore into the mirror that he would avenge his beloved mother, a titan of vengeance accepted.
As the fickle-hearted woman refused to be the cause of another lovers suicide, she opened her eyes and saw pink, lush fields of roses. The domain of love accepted. As a judge with a crisis of faith swears against the injustices brought against his countrymen, a titan of justice answered his prayer.

The Oathbound are those who swear an oath that for whatever reason is so powerful, a divine being heard it. This being now holds them to it and rewards them for doing so.
Anything from access to the fabled Thoughtform Armories to miracles and magic of great power, The Oathbearer will have the means to keep their oath. They wander the world with in a dreary trance as if they are not entirely of it. The circumstances of their oath have affected their ability to embrace this world and love life.

To equate them to spirits wouldn't be accurate but understandable. Spirit's are driven by their domains and actively seek to bring forth that domain wherever they go, but this is an instinctive drive. To an Oathbearer, seeking to fulfill their oaths is more than mere instinct, it's a fundamental element of who they are and comes to defines them.
The Oathbound are not take this promise lightly and always rely on strict rules that determine what is and is not allowed. Technicalities and loopholes are never considered options and to break an oath often leads to death.

The Oathbound Orders

When a group of Oathbound share a common oath, they may band together and form an order to help each other accomplish those goals. This is very rare and their membership and operations are often nothing more than a means to an end.
Oathbound seldom travel together. While misery loves company, it is often too much for them. Even those with less tragic origins who make their oaths in ecstasy or jubilation can't stand one another after long periods of time. This is not always the case, however, as the older they get, the easier the burden becomes.

Most members of an order are veterans who openly accept others. Their power is great and even greater in numbers. Oathbearers are often gifted many things but the greatest of these are miracles and Thoughtform Armories.

Fun Fact: Legality

Along with their oaths, the Oathbound often walk a fine line between the law and vigilantism. While not illegal if they have proof, many Oathbound just show up, do what they must, and move on. The Judges of Law and Merit have considerable difficulty in dealing with those cases.

Provided Services

An Oathbearer doesn't offer services. They are driven to do what they do. They are more than happy to earn a little income on the way if another's goal aligns with their own. These goals heavily depend on their domain. An oath of death may require a lot of killing, or maybe performing funerary rites. An oath of love may lead to a job as a matchmaker or a saboteur seeking to break a toxic couple.


Dangers include the consequences of breaking an oath which is usually death or worse, and then you have the consequences of upholding that oath which can lead to the same outcome. Oathbearers walk a fine line between the two and teetering off that line is costly. Naturally, there are not many Oathbound in the world. Orders seldom hold more than 20 members and that is particularly large.

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Dec 8, 2018 08:34

Looks neat! :D I like the tone and themes   But what's in it for the titans? Why do they answer these calls? It seems to vary in the text if it is the gods or if it the titans, as well. Can it be both?   Here are some notes: :)   " but this is an initiative drive" - What's an initiative drive? "and to break an oath often leads to death. " - What form does dead take? When can you avoid it? :) "and form in order to help each other accomplish those goals." form an other* "Oathbearers seldom travel together. While misery loves company, it is often too much for them. Even oathbearers with less tragic origins who make their oaths in ecstasy or jubilation often can't stand one another." - Doesn't this part kind of contradict the part above with forming orders? :O " ascension to gidhood like scions of other divinities do. " - godhood "most members of an order are veterans" Capitalize on Most :)   Keep up world-embering!!

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Dec 8, 2018 15:47 by R. Dylon Elder

Thanks for the comment. Im glad you liked it. The story in the spoiler box took quite a bit lol ill ge to those grammer issues shortly. As far as questions. Only a titan, or a domain can accept the oath, gods can have their own champions but they are quite different. I have yet to link any articles on em yet. I meant instinctive not initiative.   Death can take any form but usually it is sudden cadiac arrest. Avoiding it deoends on how strict the oath is. But usually it isnt avoidable.   I wanted a better less blatently good concept of a paladin. The story is another birth of the class kind if thing to set that expetation.

Dec 8, 2018 17:12 by R. Dylon Elder

Oh and big spoiler, the divine are divided on a single philosophy and are kind of gearing up for a war but....something else.. Is occuring. Effective they are recruiting. That's what is in it for the titans

Dec 8, 2018 17:19

Dun dun dunnnnn!!!   That helps put that in perspective :)

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Dec 8, 2018 17:33 by R. Dylon Elder

Indeed but players dont know yet so shhhh lol

Dec 8, 2018 23:11 by R3negade X

Ok, I like the tone and concept you're going for, it's really interesting, but there are quite a few typos and errors that stick out to me, one sentence in particular: "To equate them to spirits wouldn't be accurate but it does fit the description."   ...I do not think those words mean what you think they mean. Maybe try rewording it?   Overall, good idea, needs work.

Dec 8, 2018 23:32 by R. Dylon Elder

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. It's clunky and does need rework ill give you that. but the meanings of the words are fine. They are equal in may ways to spirits except a select few, which are listed. So what exactly did you mean?

Dec 8, 2018 23:49 by R3negade X

I meant that the way you worded it makes it seem like a self-contradiction. Maybe you just need to be a little more clear, or clean up the wording a touch.

Dec 8, 2018 23:58 by R. Dylon Elder

Ohhhh you had me scared, thanks for clarifying. Lol yeah rereading it i find it is a clunky sentence and really does need reworking cause i can see exactly why you feel that way. Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you liked the tone and concept. Thanks for taking the time as this one is a little dense especially with the story dropdowns.

Dec 8, 2018 23:32

Your layout is wonderful and the drop downs containing story really adds to it all! I'd say it would be a good idea to go back and check for typos, you have sentences that start with small letters a couple of places. I would love to have some linked articles, how do the orders form? Another thing I really wanted to know, was how they play into your world.   Nice work :D

Grab your hammer and go worldbuild! :3
Dec 8, 2018 23:39 by R. Dylon Elder

Linking is needed, various bits of grammar and typos do need fixing. I use mobile and since there isn't a mobile-friendly way its kinda hard lol. I'll work to rectify it.   Orders form in form in several ways but generally they form as they get older. Age makes it easier and if they have similar oaths they can often join together.

Dec 8, 2018 23:41 by R. Dylon Elder

As far as how they fit, they really don't. They are nomadic. Usually they appear and disappear as quickly but in more religious communities they have been known to stick around and find a home.

Dec 8, 2018 23:43

Interesting! I definitely like the oathbound!   And fair enough ahaha, I've tried writing on my phone once and I gave up real quick.

Grab your hammer and go worldbuild! :3
Dec 8, 2018 23:54 by R. Dylon Elder

I'm super stubborn about it lol can't world ember at work without it so i gotta haha. I glad you like them and thanks for the kind words as always. A little more dense than usual i think, especially with the story so thank you for taking the time. :)

Dec 8, 2018 23:56

You're very welcome! It might have been longer but it was still good, besides I've already come to enjoy your work when I get the time to read it :D

Grab your hammer and go worldbuild! :3
Dec 9, 2018 00:01 by R. Dylon Elder

Oh thanks :3 lol i always appreciate your critiques and I'll head over to yours shortly. I try not to make me so long but i had that story in my head all day and couldn't help it lol. Thanks again!

May 9, 2019 00:25

Great work on the order. Just a few small things.   1. I would capitalize 'Oathbound' when referring to them. It gives credence that they're an organization and thus a proper noun. An example under 'Oathbound in Society': 'An oathbound can travel to their domain with enough effort and out of that domain in their orders established fortress. '   2. Spelling error under sidebar under demand (Oathbound) and under Purpose (godhood)   Otherwise great article. I love the use of pictures and I think you've chosen some great ones that really set the tone.   I also like how they have to bear some sort of burden and aren't just your cookie cutter 'good guys'. There's a lot of character there. Great job!

May 9, 2019 00:48 by R. Dylon Elder

Ooooo nice catches there. For whatever reason I used organization and not profession, which is more accurate. This is another one of those old articles lol. I do agree that they should be capped and likely will fix that. The spoilers contain pieces of flash fiction and tell a story. I really wanted them to be more than just paladins. I wanted them to be something most woipdnt want to be in real life. Its not fun, coupled with being at the beck and call of one of the most powerful entities in existence, whom you may or may not agree with, just really drives it home XD. Paladins get such a bad rap and I really wanted to add a little flair. Plus they don't even have to be morally good people. lol that concept of paladin more closely resembles the freehold knights. I'll be critiquing one of yours post haste my friend. Thanks for reading!

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