Tales from Expedition Demeter: The Mother in Expedition Demeter | World Anvil

Tales from Expedition Demeter: The Mother


A woman sat on the stump of a hearty oak that helped build the small cottage just behind her. She found the cool air calming and smelled the crispness of autumn on the wind. She gazed into the wide eyes staring up at her with feelings she couldn't quite understand. Her heart seemed to swell up as he cooed at her and to her surprise, brought tears of joy she had to fight back. The infant was wrapped in thick cloth, nestled in the space made by her crossed legs in her lap.

She gently brushed his nose with her finger and the two shared a smile, basking in the fall colors surrounding them. The infant worked loose his bundle and reached up and grasped the shield charm she wore around her neck, wrapping his fingers around it and tugging gently. She tugged it lose and tucked it into her leather jerkin. She stood and heard the leather in her pants creak. Her clothing was adorned with tufts of white fur and the bones of small animals dangled from twine and small metal chains. Her hood, lined with white fur along the rim, featured two crow skulls that swayed from strings down to her chest. She lifted the hood up and wrapped the baby in the dense cloth. She wrapped herself as well, keeping the baby close and tight. She mused about the strangeness of motherhood. She hated the little demon that clenched to her body, with his demands and late nights. He is a parasite, feeding from her and taking faster than she can replenish. Yet, she couldn't imagine life without him. She didn't even try to.

She heard a twig snap, in the brush. Her eyes widened and it took everything she had not to reach for the infant. She calmly finished the final wrap of the cloth around her and pulled it tighter than normal.
She smiled down at him and shifted her eyes to the shield several feet from her. The baby let out a soft cry. The woman hushed him and spoke softly. "Hush, " she began before lowering her voice until she spoke through clenched teeth "You're father has come." The man walked clumsily, not accustomed to the woods. Every step he took she heard. He emerged from the trees and she barely batted an eye.

"Why?" She said plainly. He gave her a puzzled look.

"Why are you here?"

"Kenna, he's my son. I have a right to see him." "You have what rights I give you, boy." She hissed and spat out each word as she spoke. She knew she hurt him, and she did not care.

"The law says otherwise."

"If you show up again, Dirstus..." She heard another footstep in the wood. It was calm and deliberate.

"I assure you, I will not stop myself." The man laughed and feigned fear.

"Was that a threat Kenna?"

"Aye, " she said with confidence. "And we both know who comes out of that fight alive. No matter how many you bring."

He looked surprised and then recomposed himself. He chuckled and began to rub his forehead with his hand.

"Bring me the baby unharmed." He shouted to the trees and several men rushed from the treeline. Kenna reacted before he even finished the sentence. She darted forward and grabbed the shield, sliding her arm into the braces. Her attackers were close, too close for her to reach her spear or her sword.

"That's a costly mistake." Dirstus spoke calmly.

"should've picked up a weapon." One of the armored men teased. She reacted immediately as they approached. She kicked her left foot back and pushed into the dirt as she bent her right knee. She gripped the infant with her free hand and covered him and her vital organs with her shield.

"Did I not? Try me. Like a mountain, I shall not be moved"

She tucked her head behind the shield allowing her eyes to peak over at the three men who assailed her. They were cautious at first but impatient.

The first threw a wild swing of his blade at her and she smiled. She tilted her shield to catch the blade and pushed into the blow. The sword was pushed back and she saw her opening.
She used her free hand and punched the man in the throat as he titled his head back. She brought her shield up and bashed his helmet firmly with the rim. The dent she left looked painful and blood began to drip from the bottom of the helmet.

He gargled and stumbled back as the others approached. These two were smarter. One dashed forward with his sword while the other took a swing from the opposite side. She dashed backward and the swing missed while she knocked the blade to the side. She broke her guard them to taunt the trio.

"You fight like animals. A doe brings me more frustration."

She reached back and found the shaft of the short spear leaning against the cottage wall.

"Idiots." Durstus groaned.
She went back into the maidens poise, covering herself up and finding her balance. This time however she placed the tip of the spear in a notch cut into the shield. "You cannot fight a fortress." She teased as if the words she spoke could kill. The men attacked as one. A wild swing from the first as the other two ran forward and brought their swords down on her.

She took the blow of the wild swing and pushed it to the side like before. She lifted the shield overhead and the other two blows came with force. At that moment she gave a ferocious scream and thrust the spear forward. The dent in his helmet left his eyes exposed and he collapsed to the ground dead as the spearhead found its mark.

The other two men had only just recovered when she fell back to the maidens poise.
The two swung in wild arcane and she responded again, deflecting one and with her spear, catching the other before she forced the shaft down the blade.
The spear came down into the man's foot and he cried out the pain. She pulled the spear up and bashed the other attacker with her shield.

He grunted and stumbled and she turned thrusting the spear forward and impaling her target. Again and again, she pulled the spear out and then in. In the end, the man collapsed, his body riddled with holes.

She swung the spear in a wide arc and caught the final swordsman on the side of his head. She dashed into him and bashed his face with her shield. He fell and she forced the shield down on his head. She felt the bones crack and turned her attention to Durstus.

"I thought you were smarter." She began pulling the spear from the dead man on the ground. He turned to run as she raised the spear as if to throw it. The baby was uneasy. She looked down and smiled at him. The feeling she felt now somewhat understood.

"Hush, you're safe now. A siege requires an army." She whispered as she took aim.    


Kenna spent the days that followed in hiding, dodging bounty hunters and Dirstus' family alike. He was a powerful man, and it seemed he did indeed have an army after all. She felt lost and only in the company of her sisters could she find some solace.

The shield maidens have been a respected order of Mhirriah since the fall of Ozlith. That would get her somewhere, but not far. Desti, her closest friend in the order, took her in. She knew it was only a temporary solution, and she would need to leave sometime in the coming weeks, but she embraced every second.

"What will you do?" She asked one morning while the infant slept.

"I'm not sure, perhaps the The Highlanders could be of some help?" Kenna asked, a ring of hope in her tone. Desti shook her head.

"Doubtful, they don't take kindly to your sort of trouble."

"I cast my lot with the north then."

" you really want to join? What about the boy?"

"he'd be coming to."

"Kenna, your talking about the Estoyan suicide mission. It is far too dangerous."

"Alone yes, but with my sisters..."

"So that's it then, you thought I'd just pack up and run off? They need me here."

"I wasn't asking. I know your work is best done here. Though I'm shocked the call to adventure was struck down so quickly."

Desti smiled at her and nodded. "It intrigues me, yes, but I cannot just leave. Who else is coming with you?"

"So far, a squad of five was allowed to join. I'm the secret sixth. Tarja, Clayo, Durn, and Juthlin, all fighting under the great crone herself." "Neroni? I'll pray for you." The two laughed. At this and then they heard a sound approaching. Desti tilted her head to listen.

A low hum echoed through the small village. They exited the yurt and saw the confusion on the faces of everyone around them. Along the path that served as a road to the central province of Mhirriah, they saw a large line of wagons with three massive behemoths of metal and stone hovering several feet above the ground trailing on the sides of the convoy. Word of the Estoyan War Wagons reached the nation many years ago, but Kenna found the description didn't do it justice. The wagons were massive, covered in glowing green arcana formula, and were fitted with 18 foot Elven Lances.
Kenna saw her sisters riding in a wagon towards the front of the convoy. She rushed into the yurt, grabbed her belongings, and wrapped the infant up around her. The baby whimpered, barely opening its eyes at being disturbed. She turned and smiled to her dear friend one last time.

"Farewell, sister."



"I know, but the bounty only rises, and the ones who collect are getting smarter. It's death one way or the other."

"For you, yes, but not for him." Kennas face writhed as if the words caused actual pain. Neroni shook her head and pointed to the shield maiden wagons.

"if you come with us, keep the boy quiet. We saved a spot for you in the third caravan. You are not to leave the confines of the expedition. If you fight at all, it will be defending camp, understood?" Kenna felt tears well up in her eyes but fought to hold them back. A task that is becoming more and more difficult each time she is forced to do so. She nodded in reply but her resolve had broken. Her agreement may have very well sentenced both her and her son to death. Her lip quivered and she raised her hand to cover her mouth as the first tears ran down her face. Moroni embraced her immediately as Kenna burst to tears, nearly collapsing to the ground. She felt such a complex set of emotions it was all she could do to stand. The relief of potential safety mixed with the most terrifying fear of an far worse possibility: a dead son. She persevered however and with the help of her sisters, walked tall to her wagon.

Neroni called for Tarja, who rushed at the call.

"fetch Lord Gray for me." She said, and Tarja disappeared for several minutes only to reappear accompanied by an Estoyan noble, with graying hair and a thick salt and pepper beard. His blue eyes, like the rest of the man, showed his age. He was a man who obviously has seen much of the world, and some of would break lesser men. Her sisters seemed beside themselves at his reaction to the infant. The gruff and hardened warrior softened to a nursemaid in a matter of moments.

"Oh my... would you look at that." He beamed, "Hello there."

Kenna hadn't realized the child was awake, and he gazed at the noble with wonder as well as caution.

"How old is, dear?" Lord Gray asked, looking up to meet Kenna's eyes.

"6 months."

his reaction was less than favorable. He grimaced for a fraction of a second before nodding with a defeated sigh.

"You both are to report to the apothecary daily, don't think I wont check." He said. His gruff voice returned but softened once more when Kenna nodded in agreement.

"Very well then. Kenna, was it? Whats the boy's name?" He asked and "Jacus." Was her reply.

"Jacus, You must be the youngest explorer there ever was." He laughed as the infant cooed at him his stomach growling.

"Its nice to meet you both. Call me Simon. Welcome to Expedition Demeter."  

When Kenna joined the expedition, few really noticed. The only dead give away was the cries that often lasted most of the night. She was distant and seemed cold to me. The customs of Mhirriah are still strange to me, even after being there for so long. She nearly leaped from her skin the first time she witnessed pyromancy. She was special though, of that there is no doubt. She paid her dues the hardships she experienced make her well deserving of respect. While initially, many of us thought that taking the baby was ill advised and downright selfish, it became clear their was a reason, a sinister fate would have befallen him had he stayed. Of that I am sworn and happily obliged to speak of no more.
— Serenity Ivyhollow


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