Mana Meditations Tradition / Ritual in Ethnis | World Anvil

Mana Meditations

Above Kainga's Mausoleum and Mana Wall, a dozen mats of cloth are spaced apart on the stone floor. Each mat is spaced the same distance from the others, forming a perfect triangle. Once in the evening, once in the morning, different groups sit upon the mats and reflect upon the memories and emotions of the past.

The meditation goes beyond just the mental benefits for some. Below the stone, protected within the Mausoleum, a pre-Lacuna Echo Chamber whirs away, powered by Metaphysics and acting as storage for the Kaingan's Auric Echos. The technology allows the meditators above to experience the auric echos of their ancestors. Utilizing the Echo Chamber requires basic Auric experience.

Entering Deep Meditation

The meditation begins with an herbal tea brewed from local edible mosses and flora. The leaves of the tea are ground into the pot and is traditionally boiled on the Eternal flame. Once brewed, the pot is brought to the meditation floor.

The meditators will sip from their own cup of tea while sitting on their mat. They sit cross-legged and are encouraged to count the drops of rain that hit them as they sit in silence. With clear minds, the non-auric inclined enter an inner peace, letting their mind drift and empty out the stresses of the day. Aurically strong individuals will enter a perfect state for sifting through echos and memories from the Echo Chamber. What they find is entirely up to chance, but the stronger auric mages can guide their own experiences more.

Meditation brought me back to the first harvest, when all of the work of the Misty Cave paid off in a bountiful harvest. Full bellies, brimming with hope. It was a wonderful experience and just as inspiring.

— Meditator

Emotional Degredation

In the last few months, many of the meditators have complained of light headaches after dipping into the echos of their ancestors, or feeling emotions of hopelessness or anger. It's gotten to such a point that many villagers have abandoned the practice all together. Meditation first allowed them to remember and reflect, now it caused them regret and repulsion. The cause for this is unknown, but many think that a foul entity has corrupted the Echo Chamber beneath.

Finding out how to fix the Echo Chamber would go a very long way to improving the morale of The Kaingans.


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Jul 16, 2023 19:34 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love idea of this ritual. I really hope that they can figure out what is wrong and fix it. :(

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
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