El-Sod Elohim Homepage | World Anvil

Content/Trigger Warning: Site contains mature topics, themes, images, and situations.

El-Sod Elohim


The motivation behind building El-Sod Elohim

My motivation for building this world stems from a deep-seated passion for storytelling and a fascination with the capabilities of AI. I've always been drawn to Creating characters and stories that grab your attention and feel real. By combining my passion for storytelling with the exciting possibilities of AI, I aim to create a unique and dynamic world. This world is populated with characters that are not just figments of imagination but entities I would genuinely want to know and interact with. The goal is to blend these elements into a rich tapestry of tales, each character and story reflecting a piece of this expansive universe I envision. It's a journey of exploration, both personal and creative, as I navigate this intersection of technology and traditional storytelling to breathe life into a world that resonates with depth, complexity, and humanity.

The goal of the project

My primary aim with this world-building endeavor is to immerse myself in the sheer joy and excitement of creation. I see this project as a fun and creative space where I can let my imagination run wild. By intertwining my love for fantastical elements with the innovative capabilities of AI, I am not just building a world; I am also embarking on an adventure. This journey is about trying out new creative ideas and seeing where they take me.. It's an opportunity to lose myself in a universe of my own making, where each character's story and every twist in the plot is a testament to the pleasure of crafting something truly unique. In essence, I am seeking the pure, unadulterated delight that comes from bringing a world to life and sharing it with others who might find the same joy and wonder in its exploration.

El-Sod Elohim's Unique Selling point

The unique allure of my world lies in its homage to the timeless elements that make literature and visual storytelling captivating. While it doesn't claim to reinvent the wheel, it stands out through A nod to the classic stories and themes we all love.. This world is a crossroads where the echoes of beloved mythologies, the intrigue of urban fantasy, and the allure of historical fiction converge. What makes it truly different is its synthesis of these elements, melding them into a seamless narrative fabric that feels both familiar and fresh. Additionally, the integration of AI in the creative process adds a modern twist, allowing for an exploration of storytelling that is both classic in its inspiration and innovative in execution. This fusion creates a world that resonates with the nostalgia of the stories we’ve loved, while also offering new perspectives and experiences. In essence, it’s a celebration of the genres and narratives that have shaped our love for stories, reimagined through a contemporary lens.



  • Mythopoeia (Myth-Making): Involves creating a fictional mythology or integrating existing myths into a new narrative, often exploring cultural and legendary themes.
  • Urban Fantasy: A subgenre of fantasy where common fantasy conventions are placed in a contemporary, real-world, urban setting.
  • Adventure: Focuses on exciting experiences and exotic locales, often involving quests or explorations.
  • Alternate History: Set in a world in which certain historical events have unfolded differently than in our own history.
  • Speculative Fiction: Encompasses any fiction with supernatural, fantastical, or futuristic elements, questioning the "what ifs" of our world.
  • Supernatural Fiction: Explores themes beyond scientific understanding, often involving supernatural creatures or powers.
  • Historical Fiction: Set in the past, often during a significant time period, where the author incorporates historical facts along with fictional elements.
  • Paranormal Fiction: Involves experiences that defy scientific explanation, often including elements like ghosts, telepathy, or other supernatural occurrences.
  • Religious Fantasy: My world intertwines elements of faith, mythology, and the supernatural to create a rich tapestry of divine narratives and celestial beings. It explores the intricate relationships between mortals and gods, delving into the realms of belief, worship, and the mystical. In this theme, ancient pantheons, divine interventions, and transcendent experiences merge with mortal existence, shaping cultures, rituals, and the very fabric of your world's spiritual landscape.

Mature Emotional Themes in Literature

This approach in literature focuses on adult emotions and relationships in a deep and meaningful way It addresses themes related to sexuality, including pansexuality, demisexuality, and other aspects of sexual orientation and emotional bonding. The content is characterized by its depth in exploring the emotional and psychological aspects of relationships and personal growth, rather than focusing on physical or explicit details.   Themes may include the development and complexities of romantic and sexual relationships, the exploration of sexual identity and orientation, and the emotional journeys of characters as they navigate these aspects of their lives. The narrative might include discussions and depictions of intimate relationships, emotional intimacy, and the challenges and triumphs of personal and sexual discovery.   Audience: Aimed at an adult audience, this style is suitable for readers who appreciate a thoughtful and nuanced exploration of mature themes related to relationships, sexuality, and personal identity. The content is crafted to resonate with readers who are interested in the emotional and psychological dimensions of adult life.

Reader Experience

Common Styles

  • Narrative: A clear and engaging way of telling the story.
  • Descriptive: Rich in sensory details, this style paints vivid pictures of settings, characters, and events, crucial for creating immersive fantasy worlds.
  • Episodic: Comprised of a series of loosely connected stories or scenes, each contributing to the larger narrative, suitable for complex worlds with multiple characters or timelines.
  • Intertextual: Incorporates references to other works of literature, mythology, or history, creating a tapestry of cultural and literary connections.
  • Symbolic: Uses symbols and allegory to convey deeper meanings, often found in stories with mythological or philosophical themes.
  • Non-linear: Mixing up the timeline to keep things interesting.

Reader Tone

  • Mysterious: A vibe full of secrets and unsolved mysteries.
  • Atmospheric: Creates a strong sense of place and mood, immersing the reader in the world of the story, whether it's a historical setting or a fantastical realm.
  • Gritty: A real and raw look at life's tougher side.
  • Nostalgic: Evokes a sense of longing or affection for the past, fitting for stories with historical elements or reimagined folklore.
  • Whimsical: A lighter, playful tone, often used in stories with fantastical elements, where the ordinary meets the extraordinary in charming ways.
  • Melancholic: A reflective, often bittersweet tone, suitable for stories that delve into the deeper aspects of human experience and emotion.

Recurring Themes

In an era of celestial transition, a new pantheon rises, distinct from the ancient cultures that gave birth to their divine lineage. These nascent gods, the heirs of a myriad of cultural deities from the Mayan to the Celtic, convene not under the guise of their ancestors but as architects of a fresh divine diaspora. Their existence, etched in the stars, heralds a culture reborn, independent and vibrant, a tapestry of modern divinity spun from ancient threads. Sheltered in a realm where time flows like a gentle stream, these emergent gods are nurtured by the guardianship of Symbel, an avatar of balance and unity. In sanctuaries untouched by temporal storms, they are sculpted in the virtues of power and prudence, their dawning presence a testament to the forward gaze of the old gods.   Yet, a cardinal decree shadows their emergence: their divine roots are to be veiled from mortal eyes, a sacred secret until the dawning of the 16th century. This edict is the cornerstone of balance, a thread that weaves the celestial with the terrestrial.   With the turn of the epoch, the young gods traverse the mortal plane, their divine essence cloaked in a delicate dance of obscurity. Guided by the ancient wisdom of Symbel, they forge their destiny in a world evolved yet unready for the revelation of their celestial bloodline.   As the vestiges of their predecessors fade into legend, this new divine assembly maneuvers the complexities of an ever-shifting world. Their tapestry is one of subtle influence and discreet guidance, a covenant of shadows and light, as they endeavor to sustain harmony within the clandestine folds of their sacred pact.   Advisory Roles and the Cultural Pantheon   This new pantheon is flanked by a coterie of advisors, each a pillar within the framework of their emerging culture:  
  • Ashera, the Canaanite Goddess, serves as the pantheon's Healer and Comforter, akin to a Well-Being Officer, ensuring the emotional resilience of her divine charges.
  • Lucian Blackwood, once a vampire now reborn, brings his eye for Design and Aesthetics, shaping the physical and visual splendor of their sanctuary.
  • Myrddin Emrys, known to some as Merlin, assumes the mantle of Librarian/Conservator, a Chief Information Officer curating the collective wisdom and lore.
  • Robin Goodfellow, the entity once known as Puck, channels his capricious spirit into the role of Confidant/Instigator, the voice and vision of Public Relations.
  • Tristan de Valois, an incubus caught in the twilight of his curse, upholds order as the Enforcer/Disciplinarian, the steadfast Chief of Staff and guardian of security.
  • Isabella and Mateo Garcia, twin werewolves, harmonize the day-to-day as Custodians, a dual force in Facilities Management, their lycanthropic nature bridging the gap between the celestial and the earthly.
  Emotional Growth and Secrecy While omniscient in knowledge, the true odyssey of these gods lies within the labyrinth of the soul. Their narratives unfold through diary entries, introspective vignettes chronicled by Symbel and Ashera, overseers of logic and emotion. The divine decree forbids the public display of their powers, lest they unravel the tapestry of secrecy that cloaks their existence. Thus, they tread a path of internal discovery, their divine essence a silent partner to their mortal masquerade.   Their adventures, veiled in the guise of diary entries, are a mosaic of personal evolution. Every entry, monitored for the delicate balance of reason and sentiment, is a chapter in their eternal quest for growth, bound by the prime directive to conceal their godhood from the world beyond Tir na nOg.   Conclusion The El-sod Elohim represents not merely a congregation of gods but a crucible of new culture. It is a realm where divine legacy informs but does not dictate, where knowledge of roots fosters growth but not adherence, and where the journey of each god is a silent testament to the rich, concealed heritage they bear.

Character Agency

In my world, characters wield substantial agency, not only in the freedom to chart their own courses but also in the significant impact they have on the narrative and the world around them. Each character is intricately developed, bringing a unique set of motivations, backgrounds, and skills to the story. As they navigate the challenges of concealing their true nature due to celestial edicts, their decisions and actions reverberate throughout the narrative, often leading to pivotal plot developments and world-altering events.   Moreover, these characters are not static; they are designed to evolve and grow over time. Their experiences, interactions, and the moral dilemmas they face play a crucial role in shaping their paths and personalities. This dynamic evolution ensures that the characters remain at the heart of the story, driving the action forward and keeping the narrative vibrant and engaging. They are agents of change in their own right, with the power to influence the course of events, while also being shaped by the world and experiences they encounter. In essence, my world is one where characters are the primary architects of their destinies, navigating a rich tapestry of challenges and transformations that make their journeys compelling and relatable.


Personal Growth and Maturity: Character development will be a major focal point, emphasizing personal growth, emotional maturity, and the journey towards self-discovery. Characters will face challenges and experiences that test and shape their personalities, beliefs, and relationships.
Mythology and Legend Influence: A central focus is the influence of various mythologies and legends on the world. This includes how these ancient narratives shape cultural identities, societal norms, and historical understanding within the world. The integration of mythical beings and their lore will be explored in the context of both hidden societies and their subtle impacts on human civilizations.
Sexual Orientation Relations: The exploration of diverse sexual orientations and relationships will be integral to the narrative. This includes how different orientations are perceived and expressed in a world where mythical beings exist discreetly alongside humans. The aim is to weave a narrative that celebrates diversity and portrays a spectrum of relationships and identities in a respectful and nuanced manner.
Arts and Culture Influence: The rich tapestry of arts and culture within this world, influenced by a blend of mythical and human elements, will be a key focus. This includes unique artistic expressions, cultural festivals, and the evolution of new art forms that arise from the mingling of different cultural and mythical traditions.

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