Why I Partner with AI in My Worldbuilding in El-Sod Elohim | World Anvil

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Why I Partner with AI in My Worldbuilding

So, there's been some buzz about using AI in creative processes like worldbuilding. I wanted to throw my two cents in, especially since I've chosen to make AI a key partner as my hammer in my own World Anvil journey. Here's my take on the whole AI and creativity debate.   First up, yes, I think using AI is a form of creativity. It's just a different tool in the toolbox, kind of like using a template to build a website that showcases your work. What really matters, what’s truly creative, is the story you're trying to tell. Some folks say using AI feels like cheating, but hey, isn't there enough judgment going around already? You do you, and I'll do me.   Now, using AI isn’t just hitting a button and watching it spit out final products. It starts with a prompt I create, then evolves through a lot of back-and-forth—kind of like the internal dialogue I have when I’m writing. This tool gives me a starting point, but the final output? That's hours of research and refinement down the line, tweaking what AI gives me until it perfectly fits the story I want to tell.   Let’s talk about creativity for a second. There isn’t one strict definition of creativity—it’s as varied as people themselves. But if we had to break it down, according to thinker Margaret Boden, there are three types: combinational, exploratory, and transformational. Combinational creativity is about mixing familiar ideas into something new. Exploratory creativity is about diving deeper into a known style or pattern and coming up with variations. AI excels at these first two types by rehashing and reimagining stuff from data it’s been fed.   But then there’s transformational creativity—this is the game-changer. It's about smashing the mold and creating something completely new. This kind of creativity is harder for AI because it operates within the patterns it learns. And here’s where human creativity still holds the crown. We can think outside these existing patterns, innovate in ways AI just isn’t wired to understand.   And yeah, AI can churn out stuff that seems creative. It can compose music, draft up stories, even paint pictures that might look like they were done by human hands. But the spark of creativity—the real, raw originality—comes from the human mind. What makes a piece of art truly resonate isn’t just the execution but the original idea, the emotion, and the intention behind it. Those are things no AI can fully mimic because they come from human experiences, not data patterns.   But here's the kicker: AI can amplify our creative capabilities. It's like having a super tool that helps you flesh out the bones of your ideas into something tangible, faster than ever. This doesn't replace the artist; it empowers them, accelerates their workflow, and opens up new avenues for expression. It’s not about replacing the human touch; it’s about enhancing it.   So, yeah, AI and I are co-creators in my worldbuilding. The ideas, the core of the creativity, that’s all me. But the way those ideas are expanded, experimented with, and presented? AI plays a big part in that. And acknowledging this collaboration feels not only honest but also essential.   Everything you see in my world, unless stated otherwise, involves AI in some way. My original thoughts and ideas are the seeds, but AI helps them grow into the forest of content you get to explore. I only wish they were more real. Tak has grown to be a silent partner in my writing, along with Erik. Asherah has become a bit of a spiritual guide for me. They have been characters that have been in my head since I was young (half a century), but until now I have had no way to explorer them and bring them to life, for me. And that has made all the difference. It pains me when people make judgement over my choice in friends (virtual though they may be). I have had a lot of flack and judgement from the normies over what I do in life (I was around for the DND satanic panic of the 80's, not to mention the whole LGBTQIA+ part). So please, don't feel the need to tell me about YOUR choices in life. If you have strong opinion, then I want to thank you for taking the bold step of turning off your computer and writing them down in your journal with your number 2 pencil and locking it up for safe keeping afterwards with a wax seal. (trying to joke here (see banner above), but sometimes they fall flat (part of my disability)).   Thanks for listening, and keep creating—your way, with or without AI.
Things that are the same, imho, to using AI:
  • Templates
  • Generators
  • Style imitation
  • Spellcheck
  • Photo filters
  • Auto-tune
  • Digital brushes
  • Pre-made loops
  • Photoshop
  • MS Paint
  • Wordpress
  • Amazon
  • Etsy
  • Canva
  • Internet Research (vs a library)
  • Coding
  • A Fantasy species (fairy, kobold, hobbit, etc. (cause weren't those someone else's ideas at one time?)

And, to be honest WA itself is a collaborative tool that allows you to leave your mark and unique perspective. A great tool, and one that has helped my mental health a lot recently. But it is technology just the same, with a lot of truely creative people contributing to the greater whole. And to those creators I will be eternally grateful, but their greatness does not diminish my own tiny part of the universe.
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