Gaia Character in El-Sod Elohim | World Anvil

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Gaia (GAY-uh)

Greek Deity

Gaia, the primordial deity of Earth and the embodiment of the nurturing planet, is the foundation upon which all life stands. Her presence is as vast as the Earth itself, a nurturing force that sustains and embraces the myriad forms of existence. Gaia's form is interlaced with the very elements of the world, her spirit resonating with the mountains, valleys, rivers, and seas. Her eyes, deep and encompassing, are the soil from which life springs and the depth of the nurturing oceans. Her voice is the murmur of the earth's rotation, a sound that harmonizes with the growth of all living things. As the mother of existence, Gaia's touch is the grounding force that roots beings to life, her care seen in the abundant life that flourishes across her vast domain. In her presence, one feels the unshakable certainty of the ground beneath their feet, the protective embrace of the world that is home to all creatures.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Often depicted as a serene and maternal figure, symbolizing the Earth's fertility and abundance, sometimes portrayed with lush vegetation or embracing the world.
2700 BCE 146 BCE 2554 years old

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