Trait: Two-Hand⚙️ in CHASE SRD | World Anvil

Trait: Two-Hand⚙️

Two-Hand weapons can be wielded with two hands, or with the force of two-hands (for those who have more or less than 2 arms). This hanges how the weapon is used and increasing it's damage capability. By default all weapons are 1 handed, and wielding a weapon this way confers some benefits and rarely any detriments. Some weapons will be Two-Hand Only, and will state such in their Damage and Additional Effects stats.   Mechanic⚙️: While wielding a weapon with two hands that has this trait, it deals extra damage. The two-handed damage will be in parenthesis next to it's one handed damage. Additionally, weilding melee weapons with Two Hands bypasses Blockstun.   Example, if you were to attack with a Longsword with +4 strength, a +1, and 2 Bonus Dice from somewhere, instead of rolling 1d8+4+1+1d6 , you'd roll 1d10+4+1+1d6 , and a 2d10+8+2d6 on Critical success.    

Items with the 'Two-Hand' Trait

Items that give 'Two-Hand' Trait (via crafting or otherwise)

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