Andrawyn Geographic Location in Andrawyn | World Anvil


Andrawyn is a planet with dimensions similar to Earth. The world is of spherical shape with about 60% of surface water. The landmasses divide into the two super-polar regions, Neverdew and Eversnow, as well as the five continents. These continents are Eivrune, Ruabrim, Marreb, Lerraveth and the Isles of Fate.

Laros & Ravena

The world has two moons, which orbit the planet and have different influences to the world and the daily life on Andrawyn.

Laros is a silvery moon, which orbits Andrawyn in a 30-day cycle. The moon has an influence on tides, the cycles of female creatures, and the security of travels on Andrawyn. The impersonation of Laros, the deity of the same name, is the god of travel and visions.

The second moon of Andrawyn is Ravena. She is larger than Laros and appears in a deep, blood-red color. Ravena orbits Andrawyn in a 48-day cycle and has a powerful influence on magic cycles. Like tides, magic in Andrawyn ebbs and flows with Ravenas cycle, so it’s obvious that the corresponding deity is the guardian of magic.


Andrawyn is colder than Earth, which results in a lack of a tropical biome. Instead, the equatorial region features a subtropical climate. The polar regions are the other extreme. They are larger and colder, with a negative record of -150°C at the center of Eversnow and Neverdew.

Especially around the coastlines, near the many rivers and in the rain shadow of mountains, Andrawyn features a vital flora, with sprawling forests, green hills, as well as swamps and marshlands. The other side of mountain chains is often grasslands, populated with nomadic people and very few settlements.


The axial tilt of Andrawyn is lower than on Earth, which results in mild seasonal changes. The equatorial regions don’t feature seasonal changes at all, and other regions have lesser seasonal differences. Winters are warmer, summers colder and wetter than those on earth.

Included Locations
Laros and Ravena


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