Alana - a homebrew world with steampunk, dragons and top hats.


2865 PB


The Laws of Alana

  • Magic: Magic is a pervasive and fundamental force in Alana, integrated into everyday life and advanced technology.
  • Ley Lines: Invisible streams of magical energy crisscross the world, influencing both natural and supernatural phenomena.
  • Steampunk Elements: Advanced steam-powered technology, including underground bullet trains and magic-fueled airships, are common.
  • Mythical Creatures: Various creatures from myth and legend are real and interact with the world in significant ways.


Alana was birthed from a convergence of magical energies, where the elemental forces and primordial magics collided and intertwined. This event gave rise to the land, the seas, and the diverse life forms that inhabit the world. Over millennia, civilizations rose and fell, influenced by the ebb and flow of these magical currents. The presence of ancient gods, fae beings, and elemental spirits has shaped the world’s history and continues to influence its present.

Principal Geography & Features

The world of Alana exhibits a diverse range of climates and terrains, shifting from frigid northern expanses to the scorching southern extremes.   Northern Icy Plains: The far north is a realm of perpetual ice and snow, where hardy creatures and resilient civilizations struggle against the relentless cold. Towering glaciers and expansive tundras define this frozen wilderness.   Verdant Plains and Forests: Moving southward, the ice gives way to lush plains and dense forests. These fertile lands are home to sprawling farmlands, bustling towns, and ancient woodlands teeming with life. Rich biodiversity flourishes in these regions, providing abundant resources for those who dwell there.   Arid Deserts: Further south, the landscape transforms into vast deserts, characterized by rolling dunes, rocky plateaus, and occasional oases. These harsh environments are inhabited by nomadic tribes and resilient flora and fauna adapted to the arid conditions.   Steep Mountain Peaks: Jagged mountain ranges rise majestically, their snow-capped peaks piercing the sky. These formidable barriers house hidden valleys, remote monasteries, and secretive enclaves, often shrouded in mystery and legend.   Steamy Jungles: Closer to the equator, the terrain shifts to steamy, dense jungles. These tropical rainforests are rich in exotic wildlife and vibrant plant life, but also host countless dangers, from venomous creatures to ancient, forgotten ruins.   Volcanic South: The southernmost regions are dominated by volcanic activity, with towering volcanoes that are almost inaccessible due to their treacherous terrain. These fiery giants constantly reshape the landscape, creating a dynamic and volatile environment.   Giant Impact Craters: Scattered across the world are enormous impact craters, remnants of an ancient war. The centers of these craters are often inhospitable, with lifeless terrain and strange, otherworldly phenomena. However, the rims of these craters are gradually reclaimed by nature, with sparse vegetation and hardy species beginning to repopulate the edges.

Initial Active Setting

The adventure begins in the bustling harbor city of Bridgeport, situated in the southern part of the Farenian Empire on the western continent. As the story progresses, the narrative will expand to encompass the central and eastern continents, each featuring cultures that are foreign and often strange to the western inhabitants.

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