Alana - a homebrew world with steampunk, dragons and top hats.


2865 PB


The History of Alana so far

The Ancients: Long before recorded history, the Ancients, an enigmatic race of beings with profound knowledge of magic and technology, dominated Alana. They constructed vast cities, left mysterious artifacts, and created powerful ley lines that still influence the world today. Their civilization mysteriously vanished, leaving behind ruins and relics that current inhabitants seek to understand.

Current Species & Cultures

Selected species:   Humans of Farenia: The dominant force in the western continent, the Farenian Empire is a complex society with a mix of medieval and steampunk elements. Their rapid expansion and technological advancements have made them a significant power. Their history is marked by conquests, political intrigue, and a quest for dominance and knowledge.   Dwarves of Magramine: In the mountainous regions, the dwarves built extensive underground cities and are masters of metalwork and engineering. Their history is marked by fierce independence and occasional conflicts with the elves, particularly over resource-rich territories. They remain a proud and resilient people, preserving their ancient traditions.   Elves of Lymyra: A long-lived race, the Elves rule vast forest kingdoms with a deep connection to nature and magic. They maintain harmony with their environment and create magnificent tree cities.   Catfolk of Phurr: The Phurr, native to the city of Phurr, are agile and cunning feline humanoids known for their grace and thievery. They have a storied history of remarkable heists and illusions, living in a city shrouded in mystery and arcane wonders. Their society values daring and skill, with a cultural emphasis on stealth and agility.   Gnomes of Gnomingen: These inventive and curious beings are masters of tinkering and engineering. Their society thrives on creativity and innovation, blending magic with technology to create wondrous devices. Gnomes are known for their vibrant communities and eccentric personalities, contributing significantly to the steampunk elements of Alana.   Hathi of Phlox: The elephantine Hathi are a noble and wise people living in the southern deserts of Dashan. They follow druidic traditions and are the keepers of ancient knowledge. Their society is centered around the oasis city of Phlox, where they maintain a vast library and practice their unique form of elemental magic.

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