Skill: Phytomancy

Work in progress!
ORC License
Slightly NSFW!
Phytomancy stands as an exclusive art within the druidic repertoire, enabling them to nurture flora that yields seeds or fruits imbued with extraordinary attributes. With each progression in druidic rank, a wider array of plants and seeds become accessible for cultivation and harvesting (that is not automatic, they need to be discovered first).   To tend to these plants, a druid must possess a sickle. Better sickles give benefits while harvesting. Harvesting from one plant takes one hour, as it is not just cutting off a seed but also infusing nature's power to awaken the special attributes of the plant.  




  Many plants can be cultivated either by uprooting them and transplanting, or by collecting their seeds and nurturing them in a new location from the beginning. However, certain plants demand highly specialized environments and may either fail to thrive, no longer produce seeds, or simply perish when removed from their natural habitat.   A druid cultivating plants has to succeed in a Phytomancy test. The difficulty and frequency is listed with every plant, as well as the Success Levels required for the plant to bloom and create seeds.   Example plant: Dragon Tooth  
Name (<type>, <rarity>)
Description: <description>
Size: <min> to <max>, <duration to max>
Bloom: <frequency>, <time>
Fruit: <time>, <number> per bloom (size)
Seeds: <time>, <number> per fruit (<size>)
Cultivation: <description, conditions, environment>
Usage: <description>   type: Aquatic Plant, Algae, Bamboo, Cactus, Grass, Fern, Flower, Fungus, Herb, Moss, Orchid, Seaweed, Shrub, Succulent, Tree, Vine, Weed
rarity: Common, Scarce, Rare, Very Rare, Exotic, Unique, Special
min, max: Tiny to Monstrous
frequency: Hours to Years, can be special like: once per lifetime
duration: Hours to Years


To receive crops/seeds, the druid spends Success Levels: a crop/seed of common quality (1 SL). If they do not have SL, they could not find a ripe fruit to harvest. Per additional SL they can
  • gather one more crop/seed or
  • gather a crop/seed of one quality level higher instead (can raise it several times) or
  • reduce the harvesting time by 10 minutes (minimum time is 10 minutes).
  • 7+ negative SL: they destroy the whole plant. Nothing won't grow anymore.
  • 6 negative SL: they destroy the crop/seed they tried to obtain.
  • 4-5 negative SL: they cannot find a proper crop/seed, but also waste 20 minutes trying to find one.
  • 1-3 negative SL: they cannot find a proper crop/seed. Some looked good, but they weren't ready yet.
  Depending on the druid's tier, they are able to use better tools for harvesting. The tools are not automatically acquired upon reaching the tier.  

✠ Novice

Tool Proficiency: Iron Sickle (+1 SL)  


Tool Proficiency: Silver Sickle (+2 SL, +5% to skill)


Tool Proficiency: Golden Sickle (+2 SL, +10% to skill, reduces difficulty by 1 step)  


Tool Proficiency: Moonstone infused Sickle (+3 SL, +10% to skill, reduces difficulty by 2 steps)

Cover image: article-header-shaman by Tillerz using MidJourney


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Dec 16, 2023 22:25

So, it is different from Farming or standard cultivation by invoking any special properties?

Dec 17, 2023 12:29 by Tillerz

Yes, a druid can actually influence growth, that's what they often earn their money with... helping farmers getting their land back into shape... and ontop they can interact with the plants to make them grow (magically) empowered seeds and fruit. :)

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