Archetype: Druid

Work in progress!
ORC License
Slightly NSFW!
Druid by Tillerz using MidJourney
Druids are masters of nature, wielding the primal forces to both shape-shift into animals, adopting their abilities for scouting, combat, or camouflage, and harnessing their profound connection to the natural world. These nature-worshipping magic users combine their plant and animal expertise for healing and protection, and channel their magic to manipulate elements and commune with the earth's power. Often dwelling in remote, untamed locales like forests and mountains, they revere the delicate equilibrium of nature.  
  • Affinity: depends on Beastshift choice
  • Primary Characteristics: Agility, Willpower
  • Earning Skill: Lore (Flora)
  • Equipment: Copper Sickle, Hood, Pouch, Sack, Bedroll, Waterskin


  • Animal Care, Animal Training, Channelling, Charm Animal, Draoi Magick, Heal, Language (Magick), Lore (Fauna), Lore (Flora), Lore (Local), Melee (Basic), Navigation, Outdoor Survival, Phytomancy
  Draoi Magick represents the mystical abilities of druids, enabling them to harness the forces of nature to cast potent spells.
Phytomancy is the druid's skill to grow and harvest seeds.  

Building the Backstory

  These questions don't have to get answered and written down in detail, they are just there to make your think about your hero, but the answers can help the gamemaster to set up connections and stories related to your character.  
  • What drove you to become a druid, and how did you first discover your connection to nature's magic?
  • What is your most profound and memorable encounter with an animal or plant, and how did it shape your understanding of the natural world?
  • Describe your relationship with a particular elemental force (earth, wind, fire, water). How has it influenced your druidic abilities?
  • Have you ever faced a moral dilemma between protecting nature and the needs of civilization? How did you resolve it?
  • What is your ultimate goal as a druid, and what role do you see yourself playing in the balance of nature and the mortal realm?


A character begins with a selection of abilities and features listed in the Novice tier. If there are additional entries available, they can be acquired as the character advances through gameplay. Upon reaching specific milestones, the character can advance to the next tier. However, certain traits from those higher tiers must be earned through effort and accomplishment.
  Legend: Companion Gadget Mutation Potion Scroll Spell Talent

✠ Novice

Casting Time: 1 action (Draoi Magick). Duration: 1 minute or until unconscious. Cost: 1 PP. Duration enhancement by Channeling, per 1 SL the duration goes up one level: 10 minutes, 1 hour, 8 hours, 1 day. The druid can spend less SL than gained (eg. they got +3 SL which would be 8 hours, but they can decide to have it only last 1 hour). Cost: 1 PP per spent SL.   Stats and skills for each animal form see Archetypes: Druid Shapes.   Select one group of animals, and then one animal from that group.  

Beastshift of the Wild (Earth)

  • Bear's Resilience: shapeshift into a bear.
  • Boar's Fortitude: shapeshift into a boar.
  • Deer's Grace: shapeshift into a deer.
  • Wolf's Vigor: shapeshift into a wolf.

Aerial Evocation (Air)

  • Eagle's Soar: shapeshift into an eagle.
  • Hawk's Precision: shapeshift into a hawk.
  • Owl's Wisdom: shapeshift into an owl.
  • Peacock's Allure: shapeshift into a peacock.

Marine Enchantment (Water)

  • Dolphin's Embrace: shapeshift into a dolphin.
  • Octopus' Grace: shapeshift into an octopus.
  • Sea Turtle's Endurance: shapeshift into a sea turtle.
  • Shark's Ferocity: shapeshift into a shark.
  The corrupted path: this is the anti-druid. If you choose this, you have to stick with this one path. You are a corruptor of nature.  

Pyrofauna Collective (Fire)

  • Salamander's Blaze: shapeshift into a salamander.
  • Firehawk's Ascendance: shapeshift into a firehawk.
  • Ember Fox's Cunning: shapeshift into an ember fox.
  • Flame Serpent's Coil: shapeshift into a flame serpent.
  Detect Ley Lines
When druids attune themselves to the natural world, their connection reveals a profound ability to perceive the intricate web of ley lines that course through the earth beneath them. These ethereal conduits of mystical energy are invisible to the untrained eye, but to a druid, they manifest as a subtle, pulsating network of luminous threads woven into the fabric of the land. Through their attunement to these ley lines, druids can not only "see" their faint outlines but also harness their power for various purposes.   Druidic Stash
Druids prefer not to lug around a bunch of belongings. Instead, they employ a clever method for safekeeping their items. They seek out what they call "ley lines," which are like invisible threads of mystical energy coursing through the earth. Then, they select a serene natural location, such as a concealed cave, a venerable old tree, a picturesque pond, or a sunlit meadow.   In these chosen spots, they carefully place their possessions and offer a reverent tribute to the spirits of the land. The fascinating part is that all druids possess the knowledge of this practice, allowing them to locate each other's concealed belongings. It's akin to a covert sharing network exclusively for druids. Within these hidden caches, you'll find an assortment of items, from medicinal herbs to gleaming gemstones, money, and even notes about nature.    Note: only locations outside of settlements are used as stashes.

♟ Adept

Animal Kinship
The druid's affinity with animals extends beyond communication. They can temporarily take on the abilities of certain animals, such as enhanced senses or agility. Effect: one additional skill or +1 skill advance for a skill at a time. Casting Time: 1 action (Draoi Magick). Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 1 PP. Duration enhancement by Channeling, per 1 SL the duration goes up one level: 10 minutes, 1 hour, 8 hours, 1 day. The druid can spend less SL than gained (eg. they got +3 SL which would be 8 hours, but they can decide to have it only last 1 hour). Cost: 1 PP per spent SL.  

Beastshift of the Wild (Earth)

  • Bear's Resilience (Toughness, T)
  • Boar's Fortitude (Strength, S)
  • Deer's Grace (Agility, Ag)
  • Wolf's Vigor (Initiative, I)

Aerial Evocation (Wind)

  • Eagle's Soar (Willpower, WP)
  • Hawk's Precision (Dexterity, Dex)
  • Owl's Wisdom (Intelligence, Int)
  • Peacock's Allure (Fellowship, Fel)

Marine Enchantment (Water)

  • Dolphin's Embrace (Fellowship, Fel)
  • Octopus' Grace (Dexterity, Dex)
  • Sea Turtle's Endurance (Toughness, T)
  • Shark's Ferocity (Strength, S)
  The corrupted path: this is the anti-druid. If you choose this, you have to stick with this one path. You are a corruptor of nature.  

Pyrofauna Collective (Fire)

  • Salamander's Blaze (Initiative, I)
  • Firehawk's Ascendance (Willpower, WP)
  • Ember Fox's Cunning (Intelligence, Int)
  • Flame Serpent's Coil (Strength, S)
  Navigate the Terrain
Druids can use the ley lines as a sort of mystical map, guiding them through unfamiliar territories with ease. The lines provide a mental roadmap, helping them avoid treacherous terrain and find the safest and swiftest routes.   Savage Charge: Taking advantage of the animal's natural speed, the druid charges forward with incredible force, knocking opponents off balance.   Sense Environmental Changes
Changes in the flow of ley lines can be indicative of shifts in the environment. Druids can detect disruptions or disturbances in these lines, such as the effects of pollution, deforestation, or unnatural phenomena. This sensitivity allows them to take swift action to restore balance and protect the natural world.   Thundershock Roar
TODO - add missing stats
Lets out a primal roar (or other matching noise the selected animal would make) that releases shockwaves, dealing sonic damage to enemies and potentially stunning or disorienting them. Duration: instant. Range: 15m. Cost: 1 PP

♜ Master

Beastly Frenzy
Channeling the primal instincts of the animal form, the druid enters a frenzied state, attacking with wild abandon and increased ferocity.  

Beastshift of the Wild

The druid's skin becomes as tough as tree bark, providing natural armor and increased resistance to physical attacks.

Aerial Evocation

Aerial Cyclone
The druid conjures a miniature cyclone in the sky, using the wind to trap and toss enemies within, dealing damage and potentially throwing them off balance.

Marine Enchantment

Water Jet
In aquatic form, the druid can expel pressurized water from their body as a ranged attack, stunning and disorienting enemies.
  Channel Nature's Energy
By tapping into the energy flowing through the ley lines, druids can bolster their spellcasting abilities. When standing near a ley line, they can draw upon its power to enhance the potency and effectiveness of their spells, making their magic more formidable (+1 Success Level, +3 Success Levels at ley line crossings).   Create Natural Wards
By harnessing the energy of ley lines, druids can erect protective barriers or wards around natural areas. These wards deter intruders who might harm the environment, ensuring that delicate ecosystems remain undisturbed. Learning spell required.

♛ Legend

Shapeshifting Memory: The druid can transform into a creature from ancient legends, allowing them to access forgotten abilities, strengths, or forms of protection. Casting Time: 1 minute. Duration: 6 hours. Cost: 10 PP.  

Beastshift of the Wild

  • Behemoth's Strength: shapeshift into a behemoth.

Aerial Evocation

  • Galewind Roc's Precision: shapeshift into a roc.

Marine Enchantment

  • Leviathan's Whisper: shapeshift into a leviathan.
  The corrupted path:  

Pyrofauna Collective (Fire)

  • Dragon's Roar: shapeshift into a dragon.
The druid can enter the dreams of creatures, communicating and influencing their subconscious thoughts to gather information or subtly affect their actions.   Ley Line Travel
Leyline travel is a skill mastered by seasoned druids. They can meld with ley lines and harnessing them as conduits for rapid travel. However, obstacles like magical barriers can impede this mystical mode of transportation. Learning spell required.   Summon Pack
The druid calls upon the spirits of the wild, summoning a pack of animals to aid them in battle, overwhelming foes with numbers.


  One of the following (roll 1d6 or choose one):
  1. Haunted by Spirits: The druid is haunted by the spirits of animals or nature-related entities they couldn't save, occasionally causing them distressing visions or vivid dreams.
  2. Plant Entwined: The druid's body is intertwined with plant growth due to an old ritual gone wrong, which can cause them discomfort and limit their mobility in certain situations.
  3. Rustic Naiveté: The druid's focus on nature might leave them unfamiliar with modern technology and societal norms, causing them to appear naïve or out of touch.
  4. Savage Reputation: The druid's wild appearance and behavior can lead others to misunderstand or fear them, resulting in social exclusion or even persecution.
  5. Unpredictable Growth: The druid's magic occasionally triggers spontaneous growth of plants around them, which can be inconvenient or cause unintended consequences.
  6. Weather Affliction: The druid's moods and abilities are influenced by the weather, making them stronger in specific conditions but weaker or more unpredictable in others (+-5%).


  • Moonstone Crystal: A moonstone that enhances the druid's connection to the moon and its transformative energies.
  • Druidic Focus: An item of personal significance, such as a crystal, feather, or carved piece of wood, used to channel druidic magic.
  • Healer's Kit: A collection of bandages, salves, and tools for treating wounds and ailments, reflecting the druid's connection to natural healing. Effect: +1 advance on Medicine treatment rolls.
  • Traveler's Cloak: A cloak made from natural materials that provides warmth, camouflage, and protection from the elements.
  • Chosen weapon (see skills).


One of the following (roll 1d6 or choose one):   xxx
  1. Animal Instincts: After shifting into an animal form, the druid's human consciousness sometimes fades, and they temporarily adopt the instincts and behaviors of the animal.
  2. Animal Mimicry: The druid sometimes involuntarily adopts animal-like behaviors or sounds in their human form, making them appear odd or eccentric to others.
  3. Echoes of Animal Emotions: The druid carries lingering emotions from their animal forms into their human life, causing mood swings or unexpected emotional responses.
  4. Loss of Voice: The druid sometimes struggles to communicate effectively in human form after frequently shifting into animals that lack human speech.
  5. Physical Strain: Shapeshifting takes a toll on the druid's body, causing fatigue, pain, or injuries after they return to their human form.
  6. Uncontrolled Transformations: The druid struggles to control their shapeshifting abilities, occasionally transforming involuntarily during moments of stress or strong emotions.
  Ley Lines: Commune with Nature Spirits
Ley lines are often connected to the spirits of the land. Druids can use their connection to these mystical currents to communicate with local nature spirits, gaining insights, seeking their aid, or forming bonds that can be beneficial in their quests and endeavors. Learning spell required.

Articles under Archetype: Druid

Cover image: article-header-companion-druid by Tillerz using MidJourney


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Dec 4, 2023 22:25

Very cool concepts for druid characters! Excellent lay out.

Dec 5, 2023 15:11 by Tillerz

Thanks! I am only developing the archetypes of the players now... where druid is one of them. :) All other archetypes will come later.

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