The Mundbyrdians of Wynsumheord Organization in Wynsumheord | World Anvil

The Mundbyrdians of Wynsumheord

The Mundbyrdians of Wynsumheord is the organization co-founded by Havardir (father of Magnar and Syndri) along with a few others who decided to band together and start their own clan of protection. Long ago, when many peasants felt they were tired of living under the law of corrupt rulers, they began to migrate to unoccupied land to camp. Eventually, they set up colonies and organized settlements. This vast land came to be called Wynsumheord, and, when they got word of it, the four surrounding kingdoms fought to gain control of it. After many vain attempts, three of the kingdoms agreed to let the people be, but the Wahstrehite king would not give up. That is one of the reasons why the Mundbyrdians were assembled; to protect the land from his constant taunts and tortures. He sends his soldiers to terrorize the villages and he even carries out raids, but as the Mundbyrdians grow, it becomes harder and harder for him to appear as a threat to Wynsumheord. Wynsumheord's warriors were originally unorganized, but the Mundbyrdians (though they aren't the most structured unit) have some sense of control and officiality for each district.   In addition to defending the land from evil rulers, the Mundbyrdians pride themselves on upholding peace and justice. Even though their land has no king, they work to make sure the people are on one accord-- or are at least tolerating each other. They want to prove that their land doesn't need a royal ruler, but they understand the necessity of government to retain order in the world. Each village has its own form of jurisdiction in one way or another, but the Mundbyrdians are the knight system that spans over the entire region. There are branches in each one of the main districts, and the Chief officers meet regularly to discuss happenings and potential troubles.   When things are less threatening, there is still very much for the Mundbyrdians to do. They are men for hire (who like to stay on the righteous side). Whenever someone has a problem, they will enlist their local Mundbyrdian for help. These brave men will do anything from bounty hunting, to stopping a bear from terrorizing a village, to rescuing a damsel in distress to finding a lost necklace. They may even paint your shed.
Military, Army
Formation Type
Training Level
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Myths


At the early establishment of Wynsumheord, the forest peoples did not consider their land to be part of the main settlement due to their varied philosophical views. Soon after, the forest peoples divided due to their own disagreements; creating the Sundorwick and the Firgenholt. The Mundbyrdian attempted to create allyship with Firgenholt to no avail, but they had a little more success with the Sundorwick People who were more adaptive to their beliefs. This came not without challenge, for the Firgenholt did not appreciate the Sundorwick inviting Wynsumheord so close to them. For this reason, the alliance was kept as secretive as possible.


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