TJ's Mind-Mapvember 2022

Current progress: 7/30
  For Mapvember this year I didn't feel like cartography, so I decided to do some worldbuilding in the form of mind maps based on each prompt! I plan to explore these concepts further during WorldEmber starting December 1st.   (Click on the images below to view them at a larger size.)    
4. Gauntlet
TJ's Mind-Mapvember 2022 - 04 Gauntlet
04 - Gauntlet
8. Island
Placeholder Horizontal by TJ Trewin
9. Palace
Placeholder Horizontal by TJ Trewin
10. Cemetery
Placeholder Horizontal by TJ Trewin

11. Dragon
Placeholder Horizontal by TJ Trewin
12. Ruins
Placeholder Horizontal by TJ Trewin
13. Maw
Placeholder Horizontal by TJ Trewin
14. Maze
Placeholder Horizontal by TJ Trewin
15. Pool
Placeholder Horizontal by TJ Trewin
16. Nebula
Placeholder Horizontal by TJ Trewin
17. Dock
Placeholder Horizontal by TJ Trewin
18. Mine
Placeholder Horizontal by TJ Trewin
19. Crystal
Placeholder Horizontal by TJ Trewin
20. Egg
Placeholder Horizontal by TJ Trewin

21. Abomination
Placeholder Horizontal by TJ Trewin
22. Corrupted
Placeholder Horizontal by TJ Trewin
23. Undead
Placeholder Horizontal by TJ Trewin
24. Abandoned
Placeholder Horizontal by TJ Trewin
25. Demon
Placeholder Horizontal by TJ Trewin
26. Sand
Placeholder Horizontal by TJ Trewin
27. Haven
Placeholder Horizontal by TJ Trewin
28. Spice
Placeholder Horizontal by TJ Trewin
29. Harvest
Placeholder Horizontal by TJ Trewin
30. Garden
Placeholder Horizontal by TJ Trewin
Planning Ahead for WorldEmber
I made a planning tool in Google Sheets to help me sort out my jumbled ideas, give them priorities and also help me decide what to do next! So far I've added in my list of existing stubs and set a priority level for each of them so that I know what's the most important for me to create during WorldEmber this year.   I figured other folks here might find it useful too, so I made it available as a FREE (or pay what you want) resource that anyone can use!  
Grab your worldbuilding planner here (or click the pictures below)!

400 Inspiring Worldbuilding Prompts
Stuck for ideas ready for WorldEmber? Check out my list of 400 worldbuilding prompts (suitable for any genre)! It's free (or pay what you want), just name your price and grab your copy!   The prompts are all organised by World Anvil template, and I'll be using these to inspire my own worldbuilding when I get stuck about three days into WorldEmber xD  

WorldEmber is Coming...
When Spooktober ends, the month of preparations for WorldEmber begins!   Every December I take part in World Anvil's annual challenge to write 10k+ words of fresh worldbuilding in my world :D   Here's how I'm preparing this year:  
TJ's WorldEmber 2022 Pledge
Generic article | Dec 1, 2022

WorldEmber is coming... are you ready?

Cover image: by TJ Trewin


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Nov 9, 2022 08:53 by Makenzie Turney

I am very inspired by this!   I'm nowhere near confident enough in my mapping to make so many maps in a single month, but this idea of mind-mapping for the prompts is genius!

Nov 9, 2022 12:06 by TJ Trewin

thanks so much! :D

Journals of Yesteryear

Nov 23, 2022 03:23 by Sarah Thoonen

Ooh! This is a very clever way to approach the challenge.

Nov 25, 2022 13:42 by TJ Trewin

Thanks! :D

Journals of Yesteryear

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