Elma Pritchell Character in Melior | World Anvil

Elma Pritchell

A famous corivdan explorer in Anvil who is best known for her discovery of the lost ruins of Salore.

This article is still a Work In Progress!
  Discovery runs in the veins of the Pritchell family - Elma is the descendent of Karkous Pritchell, who lead the expedition that first scaled Pritchell Peak in -350 of the Dark Age.   She grew up reading the hundreds of research logs that her family members had written and fawned over maps, charts, sketches, samples, diagrams and scrawled notes.   Elma has made several discoveries, but is most well known for uncovering the lost ruins of Salore, a mountainside settlement in Korbasa on the eastern coast of Anvil. The settlement held many relics and artifacts, and the rarest of them were stored in an impressive vault that was dug directly into mountain rock of The Great Stubs.   She brought back some quirky finds like the famous collection of "fertility ritual totems" but also uncovered a long lost technology used by ancient corvidans who lived there that enabled them to fly up and down from their mountainside homes. It's unclear how it worked, and her current field of research involves finding the answers to this ancient mystery.   She is also trying to set up her own museum and restoration project for the ruins.
Black and full of curiosity
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deep black plumage with tiny shimmers of iridescence
Anvil, the unyielding lands
Geographic Location | May 18, 2023

The continent of Anvil, unsurprisingly, is named after its shape on the Auricentric map. It has a diverse range of climates that are home to many different folks, fauna, and flora.

Species | Nov 30, 2022

Feathered yet flightless, these characteristically curious bipedal folk are native to Melior.

Cover image: Anvil map header image by


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