Pritchell Peak

The tallest mountain in Elmaresh, Anvil.

This article is still a Work In Progress!
  Pritchell Peak is the highest mountain in Elmaresh and was named after Karkous Pritchell, the leader of the expedition who first successfully reached the summit in -350 of the Dark Age.   The eternally snowy peak protrudes from the Wuhke mountain range in the west of Anvil and is a picturesque natural wonder of the region which can be seen from miles around.   One of its water basins is home to the largest river in Elmaresh that snakes down the entire length of the coutnry before finally reaching the coast in Raffel Bay.  
part of a zoomed in map of the continent of Anvil
Anvil map header image
  The mountain is difficult to access, but is slightly easier to traverse from the eastern side which is less steep.   The iconic peak features in the bagkrounds of many paintings and cultural references of Elmaresh, and many buildings and gardens of the region use carefully planned architecture to frame the mountain in the background.   The peak casts long shadows across the country during sunset, and the mountain looks spectacular with the warm red sunlight illuminating the peak.   On the lower slopes of the mountain people gather ice and transport huge blocks of it back down to store and distribute across Anvil. Ice is in large demand in the hotter, tropical climates in the selithen regions of the continent, and is transported downriver to the capital of Elmaresh, Kotar, where it's then shipped by sea to Somar, Belu, Kondura, and the Shattered Isles.
First scaled
Thirday 17th Feldturn -350 DA
Mountain / Hill
Anvil, the unyielding lands
Geographic Location | May 18, 2023

The continent of Anvil, unsurprisingly, is named after its shape on the Auricentric map. It has a diverse range of climates that are home to many different folks, fauna, and flora.

Cover image: Anvil map header image by


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