Sea Elves Species in DraKaise Battalion | World Anvil

Sea Elves

Those wise ones favored by MeyGana.

In the oceans, far from land. The elves of the sea find their grand castles of coral and bone. Hidden away in the foam. Find their homes and be guided back, the lost are found and are returned.
— Elven Children’s Story
  When the elves flocked to the portals of the new Material Plane, they stepped through and the Sea Elves fell into the water. Far from land, MeyGana found them and offered them the ability to live as the fish of the sea. Many accepted, gaining webbed fingers and toes as they learned to dive deeper and deeper into the seas. As they learned from MeyGana and truly gained her favor, she granted them gills to fully explore the world they had been granted.   After many years, they made their way across the oceans and to the shores of Ithungsida and the Islands of Esplorzeni. There they found their distant cousins and mocked them for their limited lifestyle. Held to the trees of the land when the forests of the ocean had so much more breadth. To spite nature, many Sea Elves made their way onto land and made their way up the streams and rivers.   Endless possibilities, with endless places to roam. Sea Elves hold the spirit of adventure close and are natural explorers of the world, looking for new places to visit and adventures to undertake. Many ships that go off the usual trade paths find themselves accosted by friendly Sea Elves trying to help and make sure that the ship isn’t lost. Many tales tell of nights being aided by the moonlight sheen of a group of Sea Elves dragging ships away from present dangers or reefs. Though a number also tell of Sea Elves sealing off passages for unknown reasons.   Commonly Found in:   The Sea Elves are spread throughout the oceans of Ithungsida. With a presence in most larger lakes and bodies of water across the continent. Stable populations exist in the Alma Bay intermingled with the Tritons, as well as the Sea of Hearts maintaining the beat of the world, and the The Great Bay maintaining shipping routes through the chaotic inner sea.

Where are these quotes from?

  The Elven Children's Story Snippets have been collected over the years and standardized into the base qualities that Elves seem to seek from each story.

Cover image: by HelHeim


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