Hereafter Organization in Erenel | World Anvil


Led by the Benefactor, the Hereafter Thieves Guild thrives in the darkest place of the Nevermore Expanse. Thriving thanks to impunity created by the political elite’s widespread corruption, the Hereafter see no reason for Nephistrad to change. As it is, the region is a paradise for criminals, smugglers and those with nothing left to lose.
Nearly as old as the kingdom itself, the Hereafter formed shortly after Harlock Von Lishken drank from the Crimson Cup and became the first Sanguis. At first, the Hereafter aimed to obtain resources for rebellion, but this changed drastically; as the guild turned from insurgency to thievery. In truth, the Hereafter shifts as the times and its leadership dictates. It has always operated outside the law and has rarely, if ever, been considered “good” in its outlook. Likewise, it has only occasionally fallen into the depths of “evil,” as the Noble Sanguis Houses have filled that role rather well.   Under its current leadership, the Hereafter endorses a neutral stance. Hereafter members are just as likely to assassinate a Sanguis noble as it is to gather information against a human rebellion. While this gives the impression the Hereafter works for the highest bidder, make no mistake, the mastermind who controls the thieves guild has transformed this brigand of outlaws into a criminal empire.

The Benefactor

It is widely understood the Hereafter is led by one person. Most even know that the leader is called the Benefactor or Black Finger. The true power of the Benefactor is their apparent anonymity. The enigmatic leader is unknown and proven impervious to discovery efforts by magical means. It is assumed the highest ranking members of the Hereafter know the Benefactor’s identity; unfortunately, high rankings members are known to but few members.

Circus Cadaver

The Hereafter has survived in the Nevermore Expanse far too long to have a single stationary headquarters. While all cities in Nephistrad have rotating safe houses, the most notable safe haven is the traveling Circus Cadaver. Seen by Sanguis Nobles as a way to provide entertainment and slow the fires of rebellion, the Circus Cadaver travels from city to city, setting up a festival of indulgence on the outskirts of town.   In truth, the traveling circus is used to transport exotic goods and services, scout for new recruits and quell up-and-coming thieves' guilds. Most new members begin in the Hereafter on probation by traveling with the Circus Cadaver. During this time, a new member is observed until deemed a viable candidate and given their first official test. After a successful mission, or two, the candidate is accepted and awarded a blank playing card with a red back, the calling card of the Hereafter.
Founding Date
329 EoIF
Guild, Thieves

Hereafter Tenets

  1. Don’t trust anyone but do trust their greed.
  2. A favor or powerful secret can be more valuable than coin.
  3. Laws written by nobles turn people into criminals or cowards.
  4. You can achieve anything if you learn to control your conscience and do what is necessary.
by Dean Spencer


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