Spicy Sands

The Spicy Sands is a large biome on the south coast of Mycela, one of the continents of Emycelium. This coastline is most known for the presence of spicy sand, a very literally named material. Spicy sand is used in cooking - adding it to boiling water, and whatever food is cooked inside will taste much spicier.

Geography, Location & Climate

The Spicy Sands stretches for roughly ninety kilometres, with several large bays and headlands. The discordant coastline has formed countless unique and notable landmarks, such as Cofhead Bay, with its small seaside town of the same name. The Spicy Sands is the closest part of the mainland to the Spirit Isles, a floating archipelago shielded from the rest of Mycela.

The Spicy Sands are often subject to strong winds and high waves, brought about by prevailing winds from the South Pole, nine hundred kilometres away. The sand is often kicked up, creating frequent sandstorms, gales, and even tornadoes, making this a difficult place to live in. Few serukians call the Spicy Sands home, and those that do live here seek refuge in the protected bays.


The unique environment brings unique flora and fauna. Many plant species have learnt to absorb all nutrients from the soil except the capsaicin that causes the spiciness in the sand and the soil. Such plant species include rosepetals, festic ferns, brandel bushes, and sol trees. Flora is abundant in the Spicy Sands, particularly along the dunes and cliffsides.

On the other hand, fauna is hard to come by. Few animals can withstand the sandstorms. Many small animals, particularly invertebrates such as crabs, bury themselves deep under the sands during daytimes.

Coast / Shore
Inhabiting Species

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Dec 19, 2023 23:37 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I feel like getting spicy sand in your eyes is worse than getting sand sand in your eyes. O_O I love the idea of spicy sand, but I would definitely invest in safety goggles before visiting. :D

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Dec 20, 2023 09:54 by Mochi

SAND SAND is all I took from that im sorry

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Dec 20, 2023 00:20 by Eric

I'm really curious as to the health effects of seasoning one's food with spicy sand regularly!

Dec 20, 2023 09:55 by Mochi

I can imagine you'd get a bit of sand stuck in your system - they sieve the sand out of course, but I bet it's not 100% effective D: and their tolerance to spicy food must be INSANE XD

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Jan 7, 2024 17:44

The Spice Spicy Sand must flow...

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Feb 11, 2024 21:06 by Aster Blackwell

Imagine getting some of this sand in your eyes.... D:

Feb 11, 2024 21:13 by Mochi

OW i do not want to imagine that

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