Pilgrims and Monasteries of the Desert Tradition / Ritual in Val'Vahan | World Anvil

Pilgrims and Monasteries of the Desert

It is known that the professed religion of the Empire of Juraedon and the Empire of Kilae is Qallanism, so named after the pantheon of gods which play important parts in the myths and legends of the religion.

The characters which dominate all of that religion and its stories are Vahan, Lord Matthias who is God, and Tevil who is the Object of the Sacred Heart.

A Holy Tradition

Qallanism has a rich tradition of pilgrimage and monasticism. The Alk'kir desert is one of the unexplored and mysterious places in the world. It is natural that many pilgrim sites and monasteries have been built in that country. The massive upturned pyramids of the old Elves of the desert also attract much mystical attention. The most famous of these monastic retreats are those of the Desert Fathers and Mothers of the Church.

Premier among these places is the Monastery of St. Athos, which lies at the base of Jabal-al Noor. This monastery is dedicated to the contemplation of our Holy Lady Tevil and the nature of her as an individual whilst also being a representation of us and also being truly us, traversing through the lands of the dead with Matthias and being reborn in glory and into salvation.

To the east of St. Athos's is St. Pachomius, who founded Saint Pachomius's Nunnery. Here is dedicated the contemplation of the mystery of the begetting of Matthias from Valhan and the godliness and humanness of Matthias - substance of Vahan; begotten before the worlds; and substance of Man of his mother. And also the individual personhood of Matthias, who is himself as well.

Both monasteries dedicate thought to the mystery of the parallelism between the unity of person in both Tevil and Matthias.

The pilgrimages are done by pious people across the world. The most trekked route is from the diocese of Rhûn, a visit to Kaff's upturned pyramid to contemplate the folly of all races, mortal and immortal, without the gods, and then finishing at the Archbishop of Malaga bay, hopefully obtaining a blessing by the Primate there.

But there are many various routes. All of them take you through the desert somewhat, and all the routes can be quite dangerous. Bandits hoping to prey on wealthy pilgrims will lurk behind the dunes, waiting to strike.

Cover image: by Jelke Ludolphij


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