Kit's House

It's the first house I've owned...but it's still the best house.
This house sits at the end of The Twin road in the middle of The Twin lands. The house was built together with the House standing next to it by a pair of twin brothers in the 1950s.  


The outside of the house looks the same as when it was built. The inside of the house has been modernized once just before it was purchased by its new owner. The hardwood floor has been changed to a new and fresh one. The kitchen island, oven, and cabinets have also been changed. The two bathrooms have also been updated and land internet has been installed.  


The window frame is white and they have single panes. The roof is black sheet metal. The house is built with red bricks which is unusual in this part of Sweden. Most houses in this town are built of wood and painted red. The front double doors are white and have white frames. The doors have windows, with 6 panes each.  


Inside the front doors is the lobby, or the Swedish word for it "farstun". "Är du född i farstun?" or "Are you born in the lobby?" Is what you would say to somebody who acts stupid. It's a small room with closets and hangers for outerwear, a mirror on one wall, and a stand for shoes.   From the lobby, there is a door leading to the rest of the house and another door leading to one out of two bathrooms. Both of the bathrooms have tiles in black, grey, and light grey. The walls and floors are covered in these tiles and the ceiling is a pale grey. The shower and other furniture in both rooms are white.   Stepping out of the lobby and into the rest of the house there is a wide open space that is used as a living room and kitchen. The floor is dark hardwood and the kitchen island, cabinets, and furniture is black and silver. There are several windows in this area and all of them have different solid colored curtains. This is Kit's doing. Fred is amused by them and Tim is color-blind.   The area after the living room and kitchen is used as another more cozy living room. The three inhabitants of the house have many movie nights here. This living room area contains a two-seat black leather couch, two black leather armchairs a glass coffee table, and a large flat-screen TV across the area. The walls are white and covered in many movie and game posters. The doors that lead into the private rooms of the inhabitants are also white and covered in movie and game posters.  
A rough sketch of the house.
A rough sketch of Kit's house


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