Chakra-a-mara | Thicket of Thorns


The Chakra-a-mara was founded by twelve powerful mages who met in Egypt around 3,500 BCE. Fascinated by the techniques for mummification, they sought to cheat Osiris (believing it to be the actual god) on a deal. They wanted to be able to move between life and death as well as the ability to bring corpses back to life. They were granted both but at a terrible price.   All the original members are trapped in the Land of the Dead, constantly being pulled back and forth between a state of life and one of death, suffering each time they die. Their ability to raise the dead laid the foundation to all necromancy practised later and they are often credited as the first humans to properly reach the Death Branch. The bodies they tried to raise as part of the deal became brutal minions without the souls the Chakra-a-mara had wanted to bring back. Their former loved ones were now soulless monsters.


The original twelve act independently but often communicate with each other. Anyone who they temporarily recruit answers to the one who invited them.

Public Agenda

Nothing is known about what the members of the group want or how they operate now, even amongst the few aware of Chakra-a-mara's existence. They are ultimately acting from deep within the shadows and with many layers of deception.
Religious, Coven


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