Atlantis | Thicket of Thorns


There are many legends about the city of Atlantis, but few of them get very close to the truth. Plato, through Socrates, used it in two of his dialogues to make a point about the perfect state. A state that just happened to be very similar to Socrates' home of Athens   Atlantis, the legend goes, had such hubris that it was drowned by the gods. This is close to the truth in that it did sink underneath the waves. However, the people on it weren't just powerful, they were at war, and they lost. The ruling class of the island had sought to channel the dark powers of the Writhing Depths through the oceans around it. As they did, thorny vines started to grow all around them. Eventually, these vines reached through the planes and ripped apart reality where Atlantis stood.   Enormous tentacles emerged and ragged the island under as if it wasn't supported by anything. Now it exists halfway between worlds in a bubble that tries to hold the immense water out. But everywhere within the city, the horrors of the sea try to devour the careless. Any attempt to leave the city is perilous as the tentacles and vines holding the city down are also trying to drown or rip any traveller apart. The few who have made it out are usually harrowed and permanently injured. The stories they tell are enough to keep most others away. Still, others have returned with priceless artefacts.


There is little government control outside the very centre of the city. Other areas are constantly lost or regained control over. The sea is always there, attempting to crush what's left. The council is also constantly the subject of in-fighting. It is the 8th attempt at a government over the city and its most democratic so far, which has helped keep it stable if not strong. The soldiers working for the council are very hostile towards outsiders, expecting them to only exploit the city.


Once, the city had a glorious Greek and Persian architecture, but large parts of it have collapsed. Other regions have been renovated with sections from all parts of the worlds and all eras. Also, sections of the city are cut off by, or simply covered in, the thorny flora of the Thicket of Thorns. The overgrowth makes travelling even more dangerous than the monsters slithering past in the waters make it.


There are countless artefacts of power lost within the city. Some have been recovered by its government, but untold are still out there. Somewhere. This is one of the primary reasons anyone would actually travel to Atlantis.


Founding Date
Large city
Owning Organization


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