Dome Sickness Condition in Sea Hears | World Anvil

Dome Sickness

Dome Sickness is a common illness that visitors to Edgard may suffer from. The condition is not well understood, with some medical experts believing it is purely a mental illness while others suggest it may be that Edgardians have a physical or neurological ability to better adapt to their Mega Domes surroundings. It is extremely rare, but occasionally Edgardians who have never travelled out of the domes can become diagnosed with Dome Sickness.


The exact cause of Dome Sickness is not fully established by the scientific community, but there are several theories.   Claustrophobia
Living in a dome means that there is a constant roof over your head, and while some of the domes elude an artificial sky, it does not pacify those who suffer from dome sickness. Dome sickness could be a natural need to return to the outdoors.   The Wrong Kind of Air
The air in the domes is generated through moxie industries and the fertile greenery. It could be that the air in the domes is simply too artificial for some people, causing the dizzying and breathless symptoms.   The Edgard Sickness
Living in Edgard does have its pressures. It puts emphasis on the productivity of its people, and there are strict rules on many aspects of living. It could be that there are simply too many rules that weigh down on some people, making them feel smothered.   Cultural Shock
The way of life in Edgard can be very unique, and it could simply be cultural shock. It is not possible to easily go to Edgard or return, making visitors feel trapped and possibly guilty for failing to adapt to a culture that they invested heavily in visiting.


There are a number of symptoms patients with dome sickness may suffer from.  
  • Constant dizziness or dizzy spells.
  • Lack of appetite
  • High feeling of pressure in the head
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Feeling sick or physically throwing up
  • Difficulty with balance
  • Overwhelmed by stimulus (everything seems louder and brighter than usual)
  • A strong urge to leave the domes by whatever means possible
  • A strong feeling of dread


There is no known cure for dome sickness, however some treatments can ease the symptoms with varying degrees of success per the individual.   Name: Greentail
Type: Cultural Medicine
Description: A Cantarian remedy. Greentail is a collection of leaves and herbs similar to mint selected to 'refresh' the taste of the air and refresh the mind.
Success Rate: While it can help some people to feel awake, or even a degree of positivity and comfort, it is not a guaranteed cure or a long term option. Too much consumption of greentail can cause sleeplessness and depression.
  Name: Shockabs
Type: Pharmaceutical
Description: Shockabs are a prescription drug available in Edgard and are used widely in The Federation.
Success Rate: Useful for reducing anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed. For some people Shockabs can make them tolerate Edgard for short periods of time and are seen as safe to take for a couple of weeks. However, Shockabs are not seen as a long time solution and are linked to kidney and liver problems with long term, yearly use.
  Name: Counselling
Type: Therapy
Description: The patient attends counselling by a professional therapist.
Success Rate: Some people find therapy a great way to rethink their situation at Edgard. Some might decide to leave Edgard after therapy which will in turn, prevent dome sickness symptoms. Others may feel more in control of the situation and repurposed from therapy, restructuring their lives to take more rest, eat healthily and finding ways to reduce their other symptoms, such as special headphones popular in Edgard to reduce stimuli. Most who use therapy as a means to help their Dome Sickness find it more successful if they attend regular sessions.
  Name: Regearing
Type: Controversial therapy
Description: The patient attends an intense therapy session in an attempt to adapt their mind, physiologically and physically.
Success Rate: Regearing is the idea that the brain can be both psychologically and physically reprogrammed to deal with living in Edgard. The patient will consume various medications, endure blood letting and invasive procedures, and strict counselling in an attempt to adapt. The success rate is very low, although claimed otherwise. Edgardians who go through regearing often have PTSD.
  Name: Resounding
Type: Alternative therapy
Description: The patient listens to an assortment of sounds to help ease the mind and reduce their symptoms.
Success Rate: Resounding can help some patients to pacify some of their symptoms, though the scientific community are unsure if its simply a placebo affect.
  Name: Group Therapy
Type: Therapy
Description: The patients meet together and discuss their feelings.
Success Rate: Group therapy is often ineffective in Edgard, especially without an expert therapist who can gently prevent the group from building each other's Dome Sickness through their anxieties and feelings of dread.
  Name: Leaving Edgard
Type: Action
Description: The patient physically leaves Edgard.
Success Rate: When a patient with Dome Sickness leaves Edgard, their symptoms should quickly leave.


Dome Sickness can cause great suffering and for most people, it is simply not feasible or worth enduring to remain in Edgard. Edgardians with Dome Sickness can feel a great amount of depression even after leaving their country, so it is best they receive support when they do so.


There is no known prevention, though many tourists will take cultural herbs or medicines in the hopes to reduce their likelihood of having Dome Sickness. Some tour guides will provide tourists with an 'Edgard experience' before their group enters Edgard to help prepare them.


Before Edgard opened its borders in 311 AL, the few Edgardians to suffer Dome Sickness were likely misdiagnosed, or not fully understood as sick. Edgardian idoims such as 'Having a heavy head', 'Dreary day', 'No balance and full of dread' likely stemmed from people suffering from Dome Sickness. Over time, Dome Sickness slowly became recognised as many tourists would struggle. Officially in 550 AL, it was a recognised illness.
Affected Species

Cover image: by Sailing Ocelot


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May 20, 2021 21:30

I love the variety of treatments and the details surrounding them! There's a sense of realism with this article - it feels really familiar, like it's talking about a real mental illness. Great work!

In Gormhan, an ancient magic-using nobility clings to its power in a high-tech 1950s-inspired world. There are dragons too!
May 22, 2021 02:09 by Sailing Ocelot

Thank you for your comment! I am very happy that you found sense of realism in this article :)

~~~~~~~~ SailingOcelot
May 21, 2021 05:00 by Kwyn Marie

Such a great way to build an atmosphere about a place. It may be claustrophobic for some people, it has a lot of rules and restrictions, there's not necessarily one accepted way to cure ailments...there's so much information about Edgard just in this little bit.

May 22, 2021 02:11 by Sailing Ocelot

Thanks for commenting! It's lovely to receive your feedback.

~~~~~~~~ SailingOcelot
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