Seat of Leorand Settlement in Prime | World Anvil

Seat of Leorand

Seek you the evil in tieflings? Seek you their devilish ways? Then steer clear of House Leorand. These tieflings have been around since the rise of the Nerathi Empire. Yet, they despise the tiefling race outside their own family. They spat upon the whispers of Bael Turath. Life is hard being an honest tiefling. But the Leorand clan have held strong and gathered great wealth. Rumors speak of magic in this estate. The Seat of Leorand is supposedly home to some of the finest wizards and warlocks in all Aestonia. Alas, rumors tend to be a bit far-fetched in these regions…   The Seat of Leorand is home to a council of mages known as the Righteous Horn. Wizards and warlocks alike make up this powerful council. The tieflings have quite an army and more magic than all the other houses combined.
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