Aldesta Geographic Location in Prime | World Anvil


This red desert is filled with canyons and red rocks that reach for the skies.

Aldesta is a massive desert region in southern Kandalur. Thousands of canyons tear through the rocky landscape, leaving scars from millennia ago. Large rock formations defy imagination as they reach in arches and pillars to the sky. Experienced caravans can cross the massive expanse in as little as one month but most travelers will find the dangerous landscape takes months to cross safely.  


  The difficult terrain makes standard travel methods unreliable. You'll often see wealthier gnomes traveling between settlements by Fireflights . Mining railways, gnome-made tunnels, and rope bridges help others navigate throughout the canyons between settlements.

Fauna & Flora

The red rocks and canyon deserts of Aldesta create an interesting arrangement of abstract plant-life. The gnomes believe that half of the plant-life in the region has yet to be identified.
Owning Organization


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